A Caged Tiger

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Catalina's PoV

I woke up to darkness. My head pounded, and for a moment, I couldn't remember where I was. Panic set in as I tried to move, only to find my hands bound behind me, my ankles tied together. I was on a cold, hard floor.

Memories of what happened flooded back-a sudden attack, the sound of Micha's struggle, the sharp pain as someone hit me from behind. My blood ran cold as I realized I'd been taken. But by whom? And where was I now?

I struggled against the bindings, my wrists raw from the rough rope. Fear threatened to overwhelm me, but I forced myself to stay calm. Panic wouldn't help me get out of this. I had to think.

Dominic. The thought of him sent a jolt of anger through me. He must be going out of his mind right now, knowing I'd been taken. He'd find me-I had no doubt about that-but I needed to do my part too. I wasn't going to sit here like some helpless damsel, waiting to be rescued. That wasn't me.

I strained my ears, trying to pick up any sounds. The place was eerily quiet, save for the occasional drip of water somewhere in the distance. It smelled damp and moldy, like an old basement or cellar. Whoever took me had chosen their spot well-isolated and hard to escape.

I shifted my position, wincing as my pregnant belly pressed against the hard floor. I could feel the slight swell, a constant reminder that I wasn't alone. The thought of my baby being in danger fueled my resolve. I wasn't just fighting for myself anymore-I was fighting for the little life growing inside me.

I began to methodically work on the ropes binding my wrists, twisting and pulling despite the pain. Every second counted. The men who took me wouldn't keep me alive out of the goodness of their hearts. I knew what they wanted. Leverage. Power. And they'd use me to get it from Dominic.

The door creaked open, and I froze, my heart racing. A man stepped into the room, his silhouette backlit by the dim light from the hallway. I recognized the tattoo on his neck-the snake coiled around a dagger. I swallowed my fear and glared at him, refusing to show any weakness.

"You're awake," he said, his voice a low, mocking drawl. He stepped closer, crouching down to my level. "I was starting to wonder if we hit you too hard."

I didn't respond, keeping my eyes locked on his. He wanted a reaction, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

He smirked, reaching out to touch my face. "You know, you're quite the prize. Dominic Carson's wife, carrying his child... you're worth a lot to the right people."

I jerked my head away, disgust curling in my stomach. "You'll regret this," I spat. "When Dominic finds you-and he will find you-you'll wish you were dead."

The man chuckled, clearly unfazed. "Oh, I'm counting on it. That's part of the fun."

He stood up, looking down at me with a cold, calculating expression. "But don't worry. We're not going to kill you... yet. We just need to make sure your husband knows we mean business."

He turned to leave, but I couldn't resist one last shot. "You're just a pawn in this game," I said, my voice steady. "Dominic's going to tear you and your whole operation apart, and when he does, I'll be there to watch."

The man paused at the door, glancing back at me with a smirk. "We'll see about that."

The door closed behind him, leaving me in the darkness once again. But I wasn't afraid anymore. I was angry. And that anger gave me strength.

I continued working on the ropes, my movements more determined now. Dominic would come for me-I had no doubt about that. But when he did, I'd make sure I was ready to help him finish the job.

No one was going to keep me caged. Not now, not ever.

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