Blood-soaked warning

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Dominic's PoV

The knock on the door was sharp, cutting through the early morning quiet like a blade. I was in my office, reviewing the latest reports on our operations, when one of my men stepped in, his face pale and tense.
"Boss, there's something you need to see," he said, his voice strained.
I nodded, setting down the report. "What is it?"
"Out front... it's better if you see for yourself," he replied, his eyes flickering with unease.

My gut tightened with a sense of foreboding as I followed him through the corridors of our hideout. The morning light filtered through the windows, casting long shadows on the walls. The tension
in the air was palpable, every footstep echoing with anticipation. As we approached the main entrance, the metallic scent of blood hit me before I even saw it.
The door opened, revealing a gruesome sight on the stone steps outside. A body lay sprawled, lifeless, blood pooling beneath it. The man's chest was pierced by dagger, a piece of paper pinned to him like a grim calling card. My eyes narrowed as I recognized him-one of my Own men, the one who had been stationed at the warehouse that Catal ina had burned.

For a moment, I stood still, taking in the full impact of the scene. The message was clear, deliberate, and it carried the distinct mark of Catalina's cruelty. She had escalated the conflict in a way that was both personal and pointed, making sure I understood that this was her retaliation for my recent moves against her family.
I crouched down, reaching for the note pinned to the man's chest. The paper was stained with blood, but the words were still legible. As I read the message, my jaw tightened, the rage simmering beneath my calm exterior.

To Dominic,
This is what happens when you think you can challenge the Cassiettas. Consider this a small taste of what's to come if you continue down this path. You took something of ours. Now, we're taking something of yours. The next time, it won't be just a message. Catalina Cassietta

Her signature was like a knife twisted in the wound. I stood, clutching the note in my hand, my mind already calculating my nex move. Catalina had made this personal, and she had done it with a level of brutality that demanded a response. This was no longer just a power struggle-this was a declaration of war.
"Get this cleaned up," I ordered, my voice cold and hard. "And make sure the men know what's at stake. We're not going to let this go unanswered.'"

My lieutenant nodded and began barking orders to the others. They moved quickly, but I could see the unease in their eyes. Catalina had struck at us where it hurt, and she had done it with a ferocity that had shaken even my most seasoned men. It was a calculated move, designed to instill fear and provoke a reaction.
But if she thought fear would paralyze us, she was mistaken. Anger flared hot in my chest, but forced myself to think clearly. Catalina was testing me, pushing to see how I would respond. She wanted me to act rashly, to make a mistake that she could exploit. But I wouldn't give her that satisfaction.

Instead, I would take her message and turn it back on her, using her aggression as fuel for a more calculated strike. This wasn't just about retaliation-it was about shifting the balance of power once
more, forcing her to react to me rather than the other way around.
Ireturned to my office, the note still in hand, and began to strategize. Catalina had made a bold move, but boldness had its own risks. She had revealed just how far she was willing to go, and that knowledge was a weapon I could use against her.

First, I needed to ensure that our operations were secure, shoring up any weaknesses that she might try to exploit next. Then, I would identify the pressure points in her network-areas where I could strike
hard and fast, inflicting damage that she wouldn't see coming. And finally, I would send her a message of my Own, one that made it clear that I was not a man to be trifled with.
I picked up the phone, dialing Alejandro. "We need to move forward with the next phase of our plan," | said as soon as he answered. "Catalina just escalated things. It's time we remind her exactly who she's dealing with."
Alejandro didn't need to ask for details; he knew the severity of the situation from my tone alone. "Understood, boss. I'll gather the team and start preparations."

I hung uP, my thoughts already a step ahead. Catalina had pushed me, but she had also given me the opportunity to push back ever
harder. The war between us was far from over--it was just beginning to reach its most dangerous phase.
As I sat at my desk, plotting the next move in this deadly game, I allowed myself one final glance at the bloodstained note. Catalina had made her point, but she had underestimated the lengths I would go to protect what was mine.
I would strike back with the full force of my power, and when I did, she would regret ever thinking she could take me on.

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