Lines of Fire

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Dominic's PoV

The night air was cool as i stepped out of the private room where i had just confronted Catalina Cassietta. Her presence lingered in my mind, a haunting mix of allure and danger that i couldn't shake. I had dealt with powerful women before, but Catalina was different. She was fire and ice, a deadly combination that had me more intrigued than i cared to admit.

As i walked through the dimly lit corridor of the exclusive club, my thoughts raced. Catalina was a Cassietta, and getting close to her meant threading a needle between ambition and survival. She had made it clear that she wasn't one to be intimidated, and that made her both a potential ally and a significant threat.

I reached the sleek black sedan waiting for me outside, my driver standing by the door. With a curt nod, i dismissed the man and slid into the driver's seat myself. I needed the solitude, the quiet hum of the engine, to think.

I drove aimlessly for a while, the city lights blurring as i maneuvered through the streets. My mind kept circling back to Catalina's words, the subtle challenge in her eyes. She was testing me, gauging my resolve, and i had to admit i was doing the same to her.

But this wasn't just a game. The stakes were too high for that.

I had built my empire by being ruthless, by knowing when to push and when to pull back. I could see that same calculation in Catalina, the way she weighed every word, every move. We were two predators, circling each other in the dark, each trying to figure out how to come out on top.

The thought brought a cold smile to my lips. I liked the challenge. It made the conquest more satisfying.

My phone buzzed on the seat next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the screen and saw a message from Leo, my most trusted lieutenant.

We've got what you need. Warehouse in an hour.

My smile faded, replaced by a look of grim determination. Leo had been working to gather information on the Cassiettas, and if they had something now, it meant the real game was about to begin.

I turned the car around and headed toward the industrial part of the city. The warehouse was one of my safe houses, a nondescript building in a forgotten corner of town. It was the perfect place for the kind of business that required privacy and discretion.

When i arrived, Leo was already waiting inside, leaning against an old wooden crate with a file in hand. His expression was serious, his usual cocky grin replaced by a look of grim focus.

"Dominic," Leo greeted me with a nod as he entered the dimly lit space.

"What do you have for me?" i asked, skipping the pleasantries.

Leo handed me the file. "Everything we could dig up on the Cassiettas' operations. But there's something else you need to see. Something that might give you the upper hand with Catalina."

I flipped through the file, my eyes scanning the pages quickly. It was detailed-financial records, alliances, weak points. But then i saw it, a name that made me pause.

Jeremiah Cassietta.

I looked up at Leo, a questioning look in my eyes.

"Her brother," Leo explained. "He's been off the radar, not involved in the family business, at least not directly. But word is, he's the one person Catalina is fiercely protective of. If we can get to him, it might be the leverage you need."

My mind raced as i considered the possibilities. Jeremiah was a weakness, a soft spot in Catalina's armor. And if i could exploit that...

"How do we find him?" i asked, my voice low and calculated.

Leo grinned, a flash of the cocky confidence returning. "We've already got a lead. He's been seen around the docks, low profile, but not invisible. We can track him down."

I nodded slowly, the pieces falling into place in my mind. Catalina had made it clear that she was not to be trifled with, but if there was one thing i excelled at, it was finding and exploiting weaknesses. Jeremiah was the key, the way to get under Catalina's skin and force her hand.

But i had to be careful. Catalina would be watching, waiting for me to make a move. If i pushed too hard, too fast, she could turn the tables on me. I needed to be precise, methodical.

"Do it," i said finally. "Find him, but don't make a move yet. I want to see how Catalina reacts first. Let her think she's in control."

Leo nodded, understanding the strategy. "And when she's off balance?"

My smile returned, cold and calculating. "Then we strike."

I left the warehouse, the file tucked under my arm, and headed back to my car. The night felt different now, charged with a new energy. The game was on, and i knew exactly how i was going to play it.

Catalina had shown her hand, but she didn't realize that i was holding all the cards. I had what i needed to bring her to her knees, to make her see that i was not just an upstart looking to expand my territory. I was a force to be reckoned with, and soon enough, she would understand that.

As I drove back toward the city, my mind was already on the next steps. Jeremiah Cassietta was the bait, and Catalina was the prize. All i had to do was pull the right strings, and she would fall right into my trap.

And when she did, there would be no escape.

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