The Table of Shadows

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Dominic's PoV

Sitting at the dining table, surrounded by the tension and unspoken hostility of our crews, I couldn't help but marvel at how surreal this moment was.

Just months ago, the very idea of breaking bread with Catalina Cassietta would have been laughable, if not downright unthinkable.

Yet here we were, the bitter taste of war still fresh on our tongues, now sharing a meal as if we weren't mortal enemies just days before.

The dining room was opulent, befitting Catalina's status. The long, polished table gleamed under the chandelier's soft light, casting a warm glow over the meticulously arranged dishes.

Catalina's crew sat on one side, my crew on the other, their eyes filled with mistrust, each side reluctant to engage with the other. It was as if the table itself was a battlefield, the food before us nothing more than a temporary ceasefire.

I glanced down the table at Catalina. She was sitting at the head, as regal and composed as ever.

Her hair was perfectly styled, her makeup flawless, and that intoxicating perfume still lingered in the air, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

She was talking to one of her men, her voice low and controlled, but every now and then, her eyes would flicker over to me, assessing, calculating, just as I was with her.

She was a sight to behold, and I couldn't deny that I was drawn to her, perhaps more than I should be. But I also knew that Catalina was as dangerous as she was beautiful.

Her reputation for ruthlessness was well-earned, and while she had agreed to this marriage, I had no illusions about what it meant.

This was a strategic move, a merging of two empires to create something even more formidable. And if it meant we had to share meals like this, so be it.

The chef had served the main course, a succulent roast with all the trimmings.

The clink of cutlery against porcelain was the only sound for a while, the silence between us heavy and loaded. I could feel the eyes of my crew on me, waiting to see how I would handle this delicate situation.

They were wary, as they should be. Trust wasn't something easily given in our world, and after everything that had happened between our two factions, it was understandable.

I decided to break the silence. "This is quite the spread, Catalina," I said, my voice casual as I cut into the meat on my plate. "You've outdone yourself."

Catalina looked up from her plate, her gaze sharp as she met my eyes. "I wanted to make sure our first meal together was memorable."

There was a hint of something in her tone, something that could have been a challenge. It was hard to tell with her sometimes.

Catalina was a master at keeping her emotions in check, her true intentions hidden behind a mask of civility.

It was one of the things that intrigued me most about her. You could never be entirely sure what she was thinking.

"Consider it memorable," I replied, offering a slight nod of acknowledgment. "Though I doubt we'll forget this night anytime soon."

A faint smile curved her lips, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "No, I don't suppose we will."

For a few moments, the conversation lulled again as we all returned to our food. But the tension between our crews was almost tangible, the air thick with unspoken resentment.

The room was silent, save for the occasional scrape of a fork or the clink of a glass being set down.

It was clear that despite the truce Catalina and I had forged, our men weren't going to fall in line so easily. There was too much bad blood between them, too many losses on both sides.

I turned my attention back to Catalina. "You know, this won't be easy. Our crews... they have long memories."

She leaned back in her chair, her posture relaxed but her eyes sharp. "I'm aware. But if they're loyal, they'll adapt."

I couldn't help but admire her confidence. "Loyalty isn't the problem. It's the hatred they've built up. It's not something you can just erase overnight."

Catalina's gaze hardened slightly, the warmth of our earlier exchange fading. "Hatred can be a powerful motivator, Dominic, but so can ambition.

They'll learn to work together because we'll give them no choice. And if they don't... well, we both know what happens to those who stand in our way."

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. Catalina and I were ruthless, but we were also pragmatic. We wouldn't tolerate dissent, not in this new alliance we were building. The survival of our empire depended on unity, and we would enforce it however we had to.

"True enough," I conceded. "But it's going to take time. And patience."

She tilted her head slightly, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Are you telling me you're planning to be patient, Dominic? That's not what I've heard about you."

I smirked, unable to resist the banter. "I can be patient when it suits me."

The tension between us shifted slightly, becoming something different-less hostile, more... charged.

There was a spark in our exchanges that I hadn't anticipated, a back-and-forth that was as dangerous as it was thrilling.

But that was the nature of our relationship, wasn't it? Always on the edge, always a step away from something that could either destroy us or make us invincible.

Catalina broke the silence that had settled between us once more. "We've both made sacrifices to get here, Dominic. Let's not forget that."

"I haven't forgotten," I assured her, my tone serious now. "And I don't intend to."

Her eyes lingered on mine, and for a moment, it felt as though we were the only two people in the room. The din of our crews, the clatter of cutlery, all of it faded away, leaving just the two of us in a silent war of wills.

This wasn't just about dinner or an alliance. It was about power, control, and something else-something unspoken and dangerous that simmered just beneath the surface.

Then, just as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed. Catalina turned her attention back to her plate, and I did the same, the delicate balance between us restored for now.

But as I ate, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much bigger, something that would change everything for both of us.

Our crews might not trust each other, and they might never fully get along, but Catalina and I-well, we were cut from the same cloth.

And together, we were going to build something that no one could tear down. Not our enemies, not our men, not even ourselves.

But first, we had to survive this dinner.

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