Won't hold back

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Dominic's lips pressed against mine with a force that felt both inevitable and overwhelming.

I should have resisted, I should have pushed him away-but instead, I found myself pulling him closer, my fingers toughing his bare tattooed chest, holding on to him like he was the only thing keeping me grounded.

The world outside of us faded, the conflicts, the bloodshed, the power struggles-all of it seemed so distant compared to the fire that was burning between us.

The feel of his hands on my skin sent shivers down my spine, every touch igniting something deep within me. His fingers traced the line of my back, skimming over my bare skin, and I arched into him, craving more.

My mind screamed at me to stop, to remember who he was, what he was capable of, but my body betrayed me, responding to him with a hunger I hadn't realized I possessed.

I broke the kiss, gasping for air, my chest heaving as I tried to regain control. But even as I pulled away, I could feel the pull between us, as if some invisible force was drawing us back together.

My eyes locked onto his, and the intensity in his gaze nearly undid me. There was something primal in his eyes, something that spoke to the darkest parts of me, the parts that I usually kept locked away.

"Catalina," Dominic murmured, his voice rough with desire. He reached out, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. "Tell me to stop, and I will. But if you don't... I won't hold back."

I should have told him to stop. I should have ended this before it spiralled out of control. But the
words wouldn't come.

Instead, I found myself leaning into his touch, my breath hitching as his fingers traced a path down my jawline, then lower, skimming the curve of my neck.

I was caught, trapped between what I knew was right and what I desperately wanted. "I can't.." I whispered, my voice trembling as I struggled to find the right words. "I can't tell you to stop."

Dominic's eyes darkened with something fierce, something possessive, and before I could say anything else, he closed the distance between us, capturing my lips in another searing kiss.

This time, there was no hesitation, no restraint. It was all-consuming, a clash of wills and desires that left me breathless.

His hands roamed my body, exploring every inch with deliberate, almost reverent touch. He pulled me closer, his body pressing against mine, and I could feel the hard lines of his muscles, the raw power beneath his skin.

It was intoxicating, the way he made me feelHike I was the only person in the world, like nothing else mattered except us.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as I surrendered to the storm that had been building between us.

There was no gOing back now, no pretending that this was just a moment of weakness. I wanted him, more than l'd ever wanted anything, and the realization shook me to my core.

We broke apart, both of us panting, our foreheads resting against each other as we tried to catch our breath. The air between us was charged, electric, and I could feel the tension simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to explode at any moment.

"Why do you have this effect on me?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I should hate you. I should want to destroy you."

Dominic's hand slid to the back of my neck, his grip firm but gentle as he pulled me closer. "Maybe it's because you see yourself in me," he said quietly, his lips brushing against my ear.

"We're not so different, Catalina. We've both done terrible things. We've both sacrificed everything for power. But right now, in this moment... it's just you and me."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I closed my eyes, letting the truth of them sink in. He was right. We were alike in so many ways, two sides of the same coin bound together by the choices we'd made and the paths we'd taken.

And maybe that was why I couldn't resist him, why I was drawn to him despite everything. But even as I leaned into his embrace, I knew that this was dangerous.

This connection, this desireit had the power to consume us both, to destroy everything we'd built. And yet, as Dominic's lips found mine once more, I realized that I didn't care.

For once in my life, I was willing to let go, to take the risk, to see where this twisted, complicated relationship would lead. Deep down, I knew that no matter what happened, no matter how this ended, I couldn't walk away from Dominic. He was a part of me now, and there was no escaping it.

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