Lower-tier Operations

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Catalina PoV

As I woke to the soft pre-dawn light filtering through my bedroom curtains, the events of the previous night replayed in my mind, like the fading echoes of a distant storm. Dominic Carson had confronted me, and his audacity was unmistakable. There had been power in our exchange, a clear display of the stakes, but it had also sparked something deeper-an awareness that our game had just become more complex.

I moved deliberately, rolling out of bed and heading straight for the shower. Even in the stillness of early morning, my thoughts were anything but calm, swirling with strategy and calculations. Dominic's arrogance was a problem, but problems are just opportunities in disguise. He'd overreached and, in doing so, had exposed himself. Now, it was my turn to exploit every crack he'd revealed.

After my shower, I dressed in a tailored suit, the fabric a perfect blend of authority and precision. It was a small ritual that grounded me, a moment of normalcy before stepping back into the chaos. As I descended to the main floor, my mind was already churning through the details of the day ahead, each step measured, each decision premeditated.

My office was a sanctuary of order amid the unpredictability of the world outside. The modern, sleek space with its panoramic views of the city had always provided a sense of control, a stark contrast to the battles waged beyond these walls. Everything here was meticulously organized-just as I preferred, just as it needed to be.

Mia, my ever-reliable assistant, was already at her desk, reviewing the morning reports. She greeted me with a nod, a silent acknowledgement of the gravity of the situation. I took my seat behind the desk, and she handed me the daily brief, her expression professional, though I could sense the underlying tension.

"Good morning, Ms. Cassietta. We've received some information on Dominic Carson's operations," she said, her voice steady but tinged with the weight of the unknown.

I took the brief, skimming through it with the practised eye of someone who had seen far too many of these reports. Dominic was making moves, pushing boundaries, trying to destabilize my territory. He was playing a dangerous game, but one I had anticipated. He wasn't going to seize the initiative-not when I had already positioned myself a step ahead.

"Anything notable?" I asked, still reading through the details.

"There are indications he's planning something significant," Mia replied. "A possible move against one of our lower-tier operations. We've also picked up chatter about increased security around his main locations."

A small, satisfied smile tugged at my lips. Dominic was reacting, and that was his first mistake. In this game, the one who reacts is the one who loses control. He was pushing back, but he was also showing his hand.

"Good work, Mia. I want a full analysis of all his recent movements and any other intelligence we can gather on him. Leave no stone unturned."

"Yes, ma'am," Mia said, her fingers already flying across the keyboard, preparing to mobilize our resources.

My phone buzzed with a message from Luca. Opening it, I saw a detailed account of Dominic's latest activities. He was planning a strike against one of my lesser operations-a bold move, but also a predictable one. I quickly drafted a response.

Counter-move planned. Prepare a team to reinforce the targeted operation. I want the area under surveillance 24/7. We need to know every move he makes.

I sent the message and set the phone down. The chessboard was set, and Dominic was about to realize that he wasn't just playing against a player but a master of the game.

The office phone rang, and Mia answered, informing me of a scheduled meeting with my brother, Jeremiah. It was time to bring him into the loop. His role in securing our family's operations was crucial, especially now, when any misstep could prove costly.

Jeremiah's study was a stark contrast to my own office. Filled with leather-bound books and antique furniture, it was a reflection of his old-school approach to our business. As I entered, he looked up from his papers, his expression serious.

"Morning," he greeted, his voice even masking the concern I knew was there.

"Morning," I replied, taking a seat across from him. "I need to bring you up to speed on Carson."

As I recounted the events of the previous night, Jeremiah listened intently, his eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of Dominic's planned move.

"So, he's making a move against one of our operations?" he asked, his tone calm but carrying an edge of concern.

"Yes," I confirmed. "He's trying to destabilize us by targeting our lower-tier assets. But in doing so, he's revealing his strategy. We need to use this to reinforce our position and show him that we're not to be underestimated."

Jeremiah nodded, thoughtful as always. "We'll need to act swiftly. Any misstep could lead to more serious consequences."

"Exactly," I agreed. "I've already ordered additional security and surveillance for the targeted operation. We need to be prepared for anything."

Jeremiah's gaze softened slightly, a rare sign of approval. "You're handling this well, Catalina. But remember, Dominic Carson is not just any adversary. He's cunning and unpredictable. We need to stay one step ahead."

"I know," I replied, my voice resolute. "I'm prepared for whatever he throws at us."

Jeremiah nodded again, this time with a hint of pride. "Good. I trust you'll handle it with the same determination you always show."

With the briefing over, I returned to my office. The day ahead was packed with critical decisions and preparations. Dominic Carson had underestimated me, but that was his mistake to make. And I would make sure he regretted it.

The game was far from over, and I was more determined than ever to come out on top. Challenges were nothing new to me, but this-this was about proving that the Cassiettas were not to be challenged, not by Dominic Carson, not by anyone.

Settling back into my chair, I let my mind race through the possibilities. Dominic had made his move, but now it was my turn to respond. And when I did, it would be with precision, force, and a message that would echo throughout the city: the Cassiettas would remain unchallenged, no matter what it took.

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