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Catalina PoV

The morning had barely begun when I arrived at the operations center, the tension from last night's clash still simmering in my mind. Dominic Carson's audacity had been met with fierce resistance, but the toll was undeniable. Our defenses held, but I knew better than to think this was the end. Dominic had shown his hand, and I had to be ready for whatever he might attempt next.

The center was already alive with activity when I walked in. My team, exhausted but focused, was working hard to assess the damage and coordinate repairs. As I moved through the room, I kept my expression calm but purposeful. There was no room for hesitation or doubt-not now.

"Morning," I greeted Thomas, my chief operations officer, who was buried in a sea of reports.

"Morning, Ms. Cassietta," he replied, looking up with a weary but determined expression. "We've conducted a full assessment of the logistics hub. The damage was contained, but it's going to take some time to get everything back to full capacity."

I nodded, my thoughts already spinning through the implications. "What's our status on repairs and security?"

"Repairs are underway," Thomas said, gesturing toward the progress reports. "We've mobilized additional resources to expedite the process. Security has been reinforced, and we're maintaining a heightened alert status."

"Good," I said, my eyes narrowing as I scanned the data. "We can't afford any more disruptions. What do we know about Dominic's next move?"

Thomas pulled up the latest intel on his tablet, scrolling through it quickly. "We've intercepted some chatter suggesting Dominic is planning a high-profile diversion. It's unclear what the target is, but it's designed to pull our focus away from the logistics hub."

A diversion-a classic move. Dominic was trying to split our attention, to force us into a mistake. But I wasn't about to let him dictate the terms. "Send additional teams to monitor all potential targets," I ordered. "I want real-time updates on any activity related to Dominic's plans. We need to stay one step ahead."

Thomas immediately began issuing orders, and I turned my attention to the large wall of monitors displaying security feeds and intelligence reports. Each screen told a piece of the story, the ongoing battle for control. The logistics hub was secure, for now, but I knew Dominic was only just beginning.

My phone buzzed, and I opened a message from Mia: **"Possible sighting of Dominic's men near the downtown area. Preparing for a potential breach."**

My pulse quickened. If Dominic was aiming at a high-profile target, he might be trying to undermine our public image, to create chaos. I couldn't allow that.

"Luca," I called out, spotting my enforcer across the room. He looked up immediately, his expression serious. "We may have a new development. Dominic's men were seen near downtown. I need you to coordinate a response team and get eyes on the area immediately."

Luca's face hardened with resolve. "On it. I'll make sure we're prepared for any eventuality."

As Luca moved to assemble his team, I dialed Jeremiah. He answered quickly, his voice steady as ever.

"Jeremiah," I began, "we've received intel that Dominic might be planning a significant diversion. We need to be prepared for any potential targets."

"Understood," he replied. "I'll mobilize additional resources and have my team on high alert. We'll cover all bases."

"Thank you," I said, ending the call. Jeremiah's calm in a crisis was reassuring, but I couldn't let myself rely on that alone. Dominic's tactics were clever, but I was determined to outmaneuver him.

The minutes ticked by, each one loaded with anticipation. The surveillance feeds showed increased activity downtown-nothing conclusive yet, but the signs were there. I stayed glued to the screens, mentally running through every possible scenario.

Then, the first sign of Dominic's play came into focus. The feeds showed a commotion downtown-Dominic's men were staging a dramatic, public display, clearly designed to capture media attention and stir public sentiment. It was a bold move, meant to draw us out and weaken our position.

"Luca, give me a status update," I said, my voice steady despite the rising tension.

"Teams are en route," Luca replied. "We're assessing the situation and preparing for potential breaches. We're also coordinating with local law enforcement to minimize disruption."

"Good," I said, satisfied with the response. "Ensure that we contain the situation quickly. We need to show control and stability, no matter what Dominic tries."

As the situation downtown unfolded, I stayed in constant contact with my team, adjusting our response as needed. The operation to neutralize Dominic's diversion was executed with precision, containing the spectacle before it could cause significant damage.

By the time we brought the situation under control, the weight of the night's events lifted slightly. Dominic had tried to undermine us with a flashy display, but we had responded with strength and decisiveness. We hadn't just defended our position-we had shown that we wouldn't be easily shaken.

Standing by the window of my office as the sun began to set, I allowed myself a moment to reflect. Dominic had shown that he was a formidable adversary, but he had underestimated my ability to respond. The Cassiettas had weathered the storm, and I had proven once again that I could protect what was ours.

But this wasn't over. I knew that Dominic wouldn't give up easily. The battle for control was ongoing, and I would continue to fight with the same fierce determination that had guided me through every challenge. Dominic Carson had made his move, but I was ready to respond, to defend our territory, and to emerge victorious in this high-stakes game of power.

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