Hell unleashed

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Catalina pov

The sight of my men strewn across the floor, their lifeless bodies bathed in the cold light of dawn, ignited a fury within me that I hadn't felt in years.

My footsteps echoed off the stone walls as I moved through the aftermath of Dominic's assault.

Blood pooled beneath my boots, the coppery scent filling my lungs, but I didn't flinch.

Each fallen man was a reminder, a burning brand on my soul, that Dominic had crossed a line. And now, it was my turn.

As I stood in the centre of the carnage, my thoughts sharpened into a single, crystalline resolve.

Dominic had made this personal, and I would repay him in kind.

No more games. No more waiting in the shadows. I was going to bring the full force of my wrath down on him and his empire.

"Get up!" I barked at the men who were still alive, their faces pale with shock and grief. "This isn't over. Not by a long shot."

They scrambled to their feet, their expressions hardening as they reqistered the cold fury in my eyes.

I pointed to the bloodstains on the floor, my voice like ice.

"This is what happens when you let your guard down.

When you forget who we are. We're Cassiettas, and we don't break. We don't bow. We strike back, and we do it with everything we have."

I didn't wait for them to respond. I knew they were with me-they always had been.

But now, they needed to see that I was ready to lead them into hell if that's what it took.

And so I made my way to the armoury, the walls of the room lined with weapons, each one a tool for the vengeance I was about to unleash.

I selected my weapons carefully: two pistols with extended magazines, a sniper rifle, a machine gun, and enough bombs to level a small building.

As I strapped the gear to my body, the weight of it felt right, a physical manifestation of the rage coiled inside me.

I pulled on my leather jacket, the familiar feel of it like armour against the world, and slid my feet into black heels, the stiletto points clicking against the concrete floor with each step.

I could feel the eyes of my men on me as I walked toward the garage.

They didn't say a word, but I knew what they were thinking.

I was going to war, and I was doing it alone.

But this was something I had to do myself. Dominic had come for me, for my family, and now I was going to deliver the message personally.

He would see my face, he would feel my wrath, and he would know that he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

The roar of my motorbike filled the air as I sped through the city streets, the wind whipping through my hair.

The early morning light cast long shadows, the city still waking from its slumber, unaware of the storm that was about to break.

But I didn't care about the city, about the innocent lives that would be caught in the crossfire.

All that mattered was Dominic, and making him pay.

His hideout was first. I parked the bike a few blocks away, slipping into the shadows as I approached on foot.

The building was nondescript, but I knew what lay inside his men, the ones who had spilt my people's blood.

And they were about to pay for it.
I reached into my jacket, pulling out a gas bomb.

It was a small device, easy to conceal, but deadly in its effectiveness.

I twisted the top, activating the timer, and hurled it through an open window.

The hiss of the gas filled the air, and I pulled on my mask, the world narrowing to a tunnel of rage and purpose.

The first man stumbled out of the
door, coughing and disoriented, and I put a bullet between his eyes.

The second one fell to the ground as soon as he crossed the threshold.

I moved through them with cold precision, each shot a release of the fury that burned in my veins.

I was a force of nature, unstoppable, and unforgiving.

I took out my sniper rifle next, positioning myself at a high vantage point overlooking the entrance.

Any of Dominic's men who dared to step outside were met with a single, precise shot to the head.

The crack of the rifle echoed through the morning air, a symphony of death that sang to my soul.

When the last of them had fallen, I descended, leaving the gas and the bodies behind as I rode toward my next target: Dominic's warehouse. It was a key part of his operation, a place where he stored weapons, drugs, and the money that fueled his empire.

Destroying it would cripple him, but it wasn't enough. Not for what he had done.

I reached the warehouse in minutes, my mind already on what came next.

The building loomed ahead, a fortress of concrete and steel. But no fortress was impenetrable.

I slipped inside through a side entrance, moving quickly and quietly through the darkened corridors.

The bomb was small but powerful, designed to bring the whole place down.

I set the timer for thirty seconds, just enough time to get clear, and hurled the bomb into the centre of the storage area.

Then I turned and ran, the soles of my heels clicking against the floor as I sprinted for the exit.

The explosion rocked the ground beneath me, the heat of it searing my back as I burst through the door and into the open air.

I didn't look back. The roar of the flames and the collapse of the building behind me was all the confirmation I needed.

Dominic's empire was burning, and I was the one who had lit the match.
But it still wasn't enough.

Not until I had him. The mansion was my final stop.

His sanctuary, the place where he thought he was safe. But there was no safety from me, not now.

I rode up the long driveway, the roar of my engine a warning, a declaration of war.

The quards at the gate barely had time to react before I was upon them, my pistols spitting death with every pull of the trigger.

They fell where they stood, their blood staining the pristine white walls of the mansion.

I kicked open the door, my eyes scanning the grand foyer for any sign of Dominic.

But he was nowhere to be seen. His men, however, were not so lucky.

They came at me in waves, trying to stop me, to slow me down. But I was unstoppable, a whirlwind of leather, steel, and fury.

I cut through them like a blade through flesh, my pistols emptying clip after clip until there was no one left standing.

The silence that followed was deafening, the air thick with the smell of gunpowder and blood.

I stood in the centre of the carnage, my chest heaving, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

The mansion was a tomb, a monument to Dominic's arrogance and my wrath. But where was he?

I searched the house room by room, kicking open doors and firing at anything that moved.

But Dominic was gone, slipping away like the coward he was. My rage burned hotter, but I forced myself to stay calm. This wasn't over.

Not by a long shot. I would find him, and when I did, I would finish what I started.

But for now, I had sent my message. Dominic's world was burning, and I was the one holding the torch.

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