Sounds risky

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Dominic's PoV

As I drove away from the docks, the cool night air filtering through the cracked window of my car, I couldn't shake the feeling of Catalina Cassietta's presence. The confrontation with her had left a mark-not just on my face, where the bruise was already starting to form, but deeper, in my mind. Her words were like ice, cutting through any pretence of civility. I've faced down plenty of people before, but Catalina... she's different. There's a fire in her, one that's kept the Cassiettas on top for years.

But I've never been one to back down, not when there's something worth fighting for. The Cassiettas have always been a symbol of power, a name that makes people think twice. Tonight, Catalina showed me exactly why. She made it clear that they weren't going to roll over, not without a fight. And I have to admit, I respect that. Fear? No, that's not my style. But respect? Yes, and it's earned.

Pulling into my private garage, a place I'd designed as a fortress as much as a home, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Here, surrounded by the tools of my trade and the evidence of my success, I was in control. As I parked the car and stepped out, my mind was already racing ahead, plotting the next move. Catalina had forced my hand tonight, but that only meant the game was getting interesting.

Inside, the office greeted me with its familiar scent of leather and polished wood. The walls were a testament to my journey, lined with photographs and mementoes of battles won, deals struck, and adversaries defeated. I tossed my keys onto the desk and grabbed my phone. There was work to be done-Catalina had drawn the first blood, but I intended to finish this.

Evan was waiting for me, as always, reliable and unreadable. He's been with me from the beginning, a constant presence who understood my plans sometimes better than I did myself. His expression didn't betray a thing as he sat down across from me.

"Everything okay?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Catalina's not playing games," I said, rubbing my temples where the tension was starting to build. "She's sharper than I gave her credit for. Her men are well-organized, and she's not afraid to throw them into the fire."

Evan nodded, understanding the subtext. "She's not the type to back down easily. What's our next move?"

I leaned back in my chair, my mind working through the possibilities. "We need to show her that we're not just a threat on paper. We need to hit her where it hurts."

Evan's eyebrow quirked up, a rare show of curiosity. "You think she'll back off if we go after her operations?"

"No," I said, shaking my head slowly. "But it'll force her to react. She's fierce, but she's also calculating. Push her hard enough, and she'll have to act rashly. That's when we'll take control."

"Sounds risky," Evan commented, though he wasn't really questioning me. He knew the score as well as I did.

I smirked, the thrill of the challenge starting to creep back into my veins. "When isn't it? Risk is the only constant in this game. And right now, Catalina's in our way. I want to make sure she knows exactly what kind of game she's stepped into."

My eyes drifted to the wall of monitors behind me, each one showing live feeds from across the city. One of the screens was flickering with a view of the docks, where Catalina's men were stationed. I'd anticipated this move, had my own eyes in place before she even showed up. This wasn't just about watching her-it was about knowing her, understanding her moves before she made them.

"There's one more thing," I said, my voice steady as I turned back to Evan. "I want everything on Catalina's brother, Jeremiah. If she's as protective of him as she seems, then he's a vulnerability we can exploit."

Evan nodded, already planning how to get the information. "Understood. I'll get our people on it."

Standing up, I walked over to the bar in the corner of the room and poured myself a drink. The rich, amber liquid swirled in the glass, a momentary comfort in the midst of all this uncertainty. As I took a sip, my thoughts returned to Catalina. She was a challenge, no doubt about it. But challenges are what I live for.

In this world, where everything can change in an instant, unpredictability is both a curse and a weapon. Catalina's unpredictability makes her dangerous, but it also makes her predictable in a different way. She's driven, fierce, but also, she's human. And humans make mistakes when they're pushed to the edge.

As I set the glass down, I knew what had to be done. I had to stay ahead of her, anticipate her every move, and always be one step ahead. But more than that, I needed to prove to her-and to myself-that I was more than just a rising star. I was a force to be reckoned with, and I wouldn't let anyone, not even the Cassiettas, undermine that.

Catalina had made her move. Now, it was my turn. And I was ready for whatever came next.

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