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The warm glow of the late afternoon sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden hue over the room. Despite the comfort, a pang of anxiety tugged at her. She glanced at the clock on Travis's nightstand and felt her heart sink slightly.

"I should get going soon," Taylor said softly, her voice tinged with reluctance. She pulled slightly away from Travis, her gaze lingering on him as she gathered her thoughts. "I don't want to risk running into your dad."

Travis's face fell, a shadow of disappointment crossing his features. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said, his voice carrying a hint of regret. "I don't want you to get caught up in that mess."

He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment longer than necessary. Taylor felt a rush of warmth at the gesture, but the lingering reality of their situation brought a sense of urgency.

"I'll walk you out," Travis offered, his tone gentle as he slid out of bed.

As Taylor hurriedly dressed, she felt her mind preoccupied with the rush of their previous moments. She didn't have time to examine herself in the mirror closely. The excitement and urgency of leaving took precedence. She quickly reached for her bag, glancing at Travis.

"I'll see you soon," she said, trying to sound casual despite the flutter of nerves in her chest.

Travis smiled, his eyes warm with affection. "Text me when you get home. I'll be thinking about you."

"Will do," Taylor replied, giving him a quick, soft kiss. "Thanks for everything. I had a great time."

She stepped outside, the cool air of the evening a stark contrast to the warmth she'd just left behind. As she walked back to her house, her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a mix of relief at having avoided any potential awkward encounters and anxiety about her friends' reactions to her text.

Once home, Taylor hurried to her room and pulled out her phone. She hesitated for a moment before typing out a text to Abigail and Selena.

"Hey, I get it now😏" she sent to the group chat

She sent it with a quick tap, her heart racing as she imagined their responses. She hoped her vague message would pique their curiosity without giving away too much.

Taylor then took a deep breath, trying to calm the flutter of nerves in her chest. She felt a twinge of regret that their time together had to end so abruptly, but she was also excited about the possibilities that lay ahead.

Abigail: "Omg, spill the tea! What's going on?"

Selena: "Yes, please! What the fuck are you talking about?"

Taylor grinned at their eager responses, feeling a surge of excitement. She typed back a quick reply, keeping it playful but vague.

"Let's just say, i understand the hype now....." she responded

With that sent, she settled into her bed, her mind racing with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. She wondered how her friends would react to her somewhat mysterious message and what their questions would be.

Back at Travis's house, the reality of his father's return was sinking in. Travis sat on the couch, still basking in the afterglow of his time with Taylor. A smile played on his lips as he replayed their moments together in his mind, feeling a mix of euphoria and apprehension.

The front door creaked open, and Travis's dad walked in, his eyes immediately catching sight of Travis. His father's gaze narrowed as he noticed the smile on Travis's face.

"What's with the smile?" His dad's tone was sharp, laced with suspicion.

Travis quickly wiped the smile from his face, trying to compose himself. "Uh, nothing. Just... thinking about stuff."

His dad's expression hardened. "Did you forget you're grounded? You're supposed to be in your room, studying, not lounging around here like everything's fine."

Travis's heart sank. "Oh, right. I just—"

"No 'just,'" his dad interrupted. "I'm tired of repeating myself. You're grounded, which means no going out, no hanging around. You need to focus on your responsibilities."

Travis nodded, his shoulders slumping in resignation. "Yes, sir. I'll head back to my room."

As his dad continued to mutter about chores and responsibilities, Travis's earlier contentment gave way to a heavy sense of frustration. He knew he had to face the consequences of his actions, but the weight of his father's disappointment was palpable.

Travis went up to his room, feeling the burden of his father's expectations pressing down on him. As he settled into his room, he couldn't help but think about Taylor and how the day had shifted from something magical to a reminder of the constraints he had to navigate.

With a sigh, Travis pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to Taylor, hoping to salvage a sliver of the happiness he had felt earlier.

Travis: "Hey baby, did you get home safely? just wanted to say I'm really glad we had today. Can't wait to see you again soon."

He hit send, hoping that despite the mess he was in, things would eventually fall into place. As he lay back on his bed, he thought about the conversation he'd have to have with his dad and the challenges he would face in the coming days.

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