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Taylor groaned as the morning light filtered through the curtains, forcing her to squint. Her head throbbed, and she felt an unsettling mix of nausea and confusion. The last thing she remembered clearly was being at the park with Travis. She rubbed her eyes, trying to piece together the fragments of the previous night.

As she sat up slowly, a wave of dizziness washed over her. Her mouth was dry, and her stomach churned, but what concerned her most was the gnawing feeling that she had said or done something she shouldn't have. Her memory was hazy, and the more she tried to remember, the more elusive the details became.

"What the hell happened?" she thought, her heart racing with a mix of embarrassment and anxiety.

Reaching for her phone on the nightstand, she saw a few messages from Abigail and Selena, but what caught her attention was the last message from Travis: "Hope you're feeling okay princess. Let me know when you're up."

She hesitated for a moment before deciding to call him. She needed to know what happened. As the phone rang, her mind raced with possibilities. Did she embarrass herself? Did she say something stupid?

Meanwhile, Travis lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts were filled with the events of last night, particularly Taylor's unexpected behavior. He hadn't expected her to drink so much, let alone get so bold with him. He couldn't help but smile, though, as he remembered her half serious, half drunken declarations of affection. It was a side of Taylor he'd never seen before, vulnerable, unfiltered, and just a little bit wild.

"God, she was cute", he admitted to himself, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. But beneath the amusement, there was a layer of concern. He didn't want her to feel embarrassed or regretful about what happened. More than that, he didn't want to jeopardize whatever it was that was developing between them.

His phone buzzed on the nightstand, snapping him out of his thoughts. He glanced over and saw Taylor's name on the screen. The smile grew wider as he answered the call. "Good morning, princess."

There was a brief pause on the other end before Taylor's voice, still groggy with sleep, came through. "Morning..." Taylor's voice was hesitant, almost nervous. "Uh, what happened yesterday? The last thing I remember is... well, not much, actually."

Travis chuckled softly, a playful tone entering his voice. "You really don't remember? Wow, Taylor. You were something else last night."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with alarm. "What did I do?"

"Oh, nothing too crazy," he teased. "Just, you know, confessing your undying love for me, insisting I'm the most amazing guy in the world, and begging me to have sex with you right there and then__"

"Oh my god, shut up!" Taylor interrupted, mortified. Her face flushed with embarrassment even as she pulled the blanket over her head. "I didn't really say that, did I?"

Travis laughed, loving how flustered she was. "Maybe, maybe not. Guess you'll never know. But you were definitely cute when you were drunk."

Taylor peeked out from under the blanket, her heart pounding with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. "Wait... I said other stuff too, didn't I?" she ventured cautiously, trying to gauge his reaction. "Like, did I tell you anything... else?"

Travis's grin widened, sensing an opportunity to keep the teasing going. "Oh, you definitely did. You were full of surprises last night, Taylor. You might've let slip that you get all hot and bothered when i call you a certain word..."

Taylor's eyes widened in horror as she sat up straight, staring at him through the phone screen. "No way! I didn't actually tell you that, did I?"

Travis leaned back in his bed, his smile almost wicked. "Oh, you did. And let's just say, it was very enlightening." He paused, letting the silence hang for a moment. "Now I know exactly what word turns you on. Care to guess what it is?"

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