Ex Girlfriend Drama

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The bell rang, signaling the end of another grueling class. The sound echoed through the hallway, and Taylor felt a strange mix of relief and anticipation. She had been sitting next to Travis, their hands occasionally brushing against each other under the desk, and the electricity between them was undeniable. It had been one of those moments where she felt completely at ease with him, forgetting about everything else. Now, as they both gathered their things, she was still basking in the afterglow of their shared intimacy.

Travis leaned in closer, his voice low, almost conspiratorial. "I need to go to the bathroom real quick," he said, his breath warm against her ear.

Taylor smiled, her heart fluttering. "Okay," she replied softly, watching as he left the classroom. The sight of him walking away made her feel momentarily vulnerable, like something precious was slipping out of her grasp. But she shook off the feeling, reminding herself that he'd be back in a few minutes.

As she walked into the hallway, Taylor felt a sense of belonging. The other students bustled around her, but she felt insulated, as if the world had narrowed down to just her and Travis. She was still lost in thought, replaying their time together in her mind, when a voice jolted her back to reality.

"Taylor, right?"

Taylor turned to see Kayla standing a few feet away, her arms crossed over her chest and a cold smirk playing on her lips. Kayla was stunning, with her perfectly styled dark hair, designer clothes, and an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Taylor's heart skipped a beat. She knew who Kayla was, Travis's ex girlfriend, but she had never expected to be confronted by her.

"Yeah, that's me," Taylor responded, trying to keep her voice steady. Her mind raced as she wondered what Kayla could possibly want.

Kayla took a step closer, her eyes narrowing as she looked Taylor up and down, as if assessing her worth. "I've been meaning to talk to you," she said casually, though the underlying tension in her voice was impossible to miss.

Taylor felt a wave of anxiety wash over her, but she stood her ground. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

Kayla's smile widened, but there was no warmth in it. "I just wanted to make sure you know what you're getting into with Travis," she said, her tone dripping with false concern. "You see, Travis and I have a lot of history. We were together for a long time. He and I were something serious."

Taylor's heart clenched at the words. She had known about Travis's past with Kayla, but hearing it directly from her was different. It made the past feel more tangible, more threatening. She felt a pang of jealousy, but she forced herself to stay calm.

"That's all in the past," Taylor replied, her voice firmer now. "Travis and I are together, and that's what matters."

Kayla's expression shifted to one of pity, as if she knew something Taylor didn't. "Oh, sweetie, you're so naive," she said, her voice softening into a mockingly gentle tone. "Do you really think Travis is over me? He's just using you to get back at me. You're just the rebound, the girl he's with to make me jealous."

Taylor's stomach dropped. The words hit her like a punch to the gut. She wanted to believe that Kayla was lying, but the way she spoke with such certainty made Taylor doubt everything she had with Travis. She could feel her eyes stinging with the threat of tears, but she refused to cry in front of Kayla.

"That's not true," Taylor said, though her voice wavered slightly. "Travis cares about me."

Kayla sighed, as if she was tired of playing games. "Look, I'm just trying to help you out. Travis and I... we're not done. He'll come back to me eventually. You're just a phase."

Taylor's hands clenched into fists at her sides. "If that's true, why are you even talking to me? If you're so confident that he'll come back to you, then why are you trying so hard to make me doubt him?"

For the first time, Kayla seemed taken aback, her smug expression faltering. But she quickly recovered, her eyes narrowing again. "I just don't want you to get hurt. But fine, if you don't believe me, you'll just have to find out the hard way."

Taylor felt her resolve harden. She wasn't going to let Kayla manipulate her. "I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work," she said firmly. "Travis is with me now, and I trust him."

As if on cue, Travis appeared at the end of the hallway, his eyes immediately locking onto Taylor. He saw Kayla standing in front of her and his expression darkened. He quickly closed the distance between them, stepping protectively beside Taylor.

"What's going on here?" Travis asked, his voice tense as he looked between the two girls.

Kayla's expression changed instantly, morphing into one of innocence. "Oh, nothing, Travis. I was just catching up with Taylor," she said sweetly, though the glint in her eyes told a different story.

Taylor felt a surge of relief at Travis's presence, but the doubts that Kayla had planted were still festering in her mind. She looked up at Travis, searching his face for any sign of deception, any hint that what Kayla said might be true.

Travis could sense her unease and turned to Kayla, his eyes hard. "You need to stop this, Kayla. Whatever game you're trying to play, it's not going to work."

Kayla pouted, as if she was the one being wronged. "I'm not playing any games, Travis. I just wanted to talk to her, girl to girl. But fine, I'll leave you two alone. For now."

She cast one last, lingering look at Taylor before sauntering off, her confidence still radiating from her every step.

The moment Kayla was out of sight, Taylor felt all the tension she had been holding in finally release. She leaned into Travis, needing to feel his warmth, his reassurance. Travis wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice full of concern.

Taylor nodded, though she could still feel the doubt gnawing at her. "She said... she said you were just using me to get back at her," she whispered, unable to keep the hurt out of her voice.

Travis's grip on her tightened. "That's not true, Taylor. I swear to you, that's not true. I'm with you because I want to be with you, not because of anything to do with Kayla."

Taylor wanted to believe him, and part of her did, but the words Kayla had said were like poison, seeping into her thoughts. "Why would she say that, then?" she asked, looking up at him with wide, searching eyes.

Travis sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Kayla's always been... manipulative. She doesn't like losing, and she especially doesn't like losing to someone else. She's trying to get into your head because she knows that's the only way she can hurt me now. But I don't care about her anymore, Taylor. I care about you."

His words were sincere, and Taylor could see the honesty in his eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to push away the doubts that Kayla had planted. "Okay," she said softly, her voice trembling slightly. "I believe you."

Travis cupped her face in his hands, his touch gentle but firm. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I should've been there sooner."

Taylor shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. "It's not your fault. I just... I just need to trust you more."

"You can trust me," Travis said, his voice filled with certainty. "I'm not going anywhere, Taylor."

She nodded, feeling some of the weight lift off her shoulders. "I know."

They stood there for a moment longer, wrapped in each other's arms, finding comfort in their shared warmth. The hallway around them buzzed with the noise of other students, but for Taylor and Travis, it felt like they were in their own little world.

As they finally pulled apart, Taylor felt a renewed sense of determination. She wasn't going to let Kayla or anyone else come between her and Travis. Their relationship wasn't perfect, and there would be challenges ahead, but Taylor knew that as long as they were honest with each other and trusted each other, they could get through anything.

And with that, they walked away together, leaving Kayla and her poisonous words behind.

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