Chapter 44

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Richie looks at Heng, an eyebrow raised, "Heng, a ring isn't enough evidence for the police to go after Becky. What the hell is going on?"

All of them were sitting in the living room not knowing what their next move is.

Heng looks straight at Becky, his gaze unwavering, "You're right. It isn't. But they have got more."

"More what?" Freen panics.

"An eye witness."

"They are lying." Richie instantly defends.

"Why aren't they checking the witness's credibility rather than going after becky blindly?" Freen snapped.

"They did." Heng says finally averting his gaze from Becky to Freen, "Infact I went there myself and talked to him."


"He is telling the truth."

"How is that possible? Becky didn't do it." Freen hissed.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Richie questions looking at Becky, who had been silent throughout.

Heng looks back at Becky, his gaze intimidating, Becky felt herself shrink in her seat. "Exactly." Heng says stepping forward, "Why aren't you saying anything Becky?"

"What do you want me to say?" Becky responds, her voice shaky.

"The truth."

He takes one step closer towards her with each word, "The witness places you exactly where his car was abandoned. Not only that he also says that the conversation was pretty heated between you and that you punched him in the face."

Becky felt like she was being interrogated, she felt herself relenting.

The silence stretches just long enough to take everyone towards the edge.

Becky sighs turning her gaze away, "It's true. All of that is, but I walked away. I got in my car and drove straight back to our apartment. I didn't kidnap anyone." She finishes looking at Freen, her gaze pleading.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Richie snarled.

Becky furrowed her eyebrows and held her hands together tightly in frustration.

Freen places a hand over her's, "Becky?" She calls softly.

"Even without telling all of that you were ready to accuse me. You both were. So how was I supposed to tell you?" Becky bites out.

"Well you should have." Richie spat.

"What difference would it have made?" She growled back.

Her hands trembled, she abruptly stood up, her face burning in anger, "He is out for blood. Mine to be exact. He won't stop until he can bring me down."

Everyone flinched at the sudden outburst.

"That's not helping." Richie sighs.

"Can you all just calm down!" Nam tries to ease the tension.

"Heng?" Becky calls. "Do you believe me?" She asked quietly.

"Ofcourse I do Becky."

Becky visibly relaxes at the answer, she takes Freen's hands and intertwine it with her's, a look of understanding on Freen's face.

"Why don't we all just settle in for tonight?" Nam says getting up, "I have prepared everyone's room upon Heng's instructions, after all it's his house. So off you all go." She says gesturing everyone for leave once.


"I'm really sorry for not telling you." Becky says holding Freen in her arms.

Freen turns in her arms, looking at Becky she gives her a tender smile, "It's okay. I understand."

Silence stretches again, neither one of them finding sleep.

"Are you okay?" Becky's voice came again.

"Yes," Freen sighs, brown eyes looks up to find Becky again, "I'm fine as long I'm with you. I love you Becky."

"I love you too." Becky says holding Freen tightly in her arms.

Becky will not let anyone take this away from her. Her family. She finally had people that loved her. That she loved. No matter what she had to do, she won't hesitate anymore. She decided that night that it was finally time to put an end to all of this.


Freen opened her eyes and stretched, arching her back. As she settled into the sheets again, she sighed and tried to snuggle up to the person beside her, but she was surprised to find the side empty.

Had Becky woken up before her? Freen thought as she forcefully dragged her body out of bed.

"There you are. Even Lyra is up sleepyhead." Nam chuckles loudly teasing Freen who was just coming down the stairs.

Freen takes a seat beside Richie on the dining table.

"Where is your fiance?" Nam asks giving her a cup of hot coffee.

Freen takes it but looks at her with confusion.

"What?" Nam asks equally confused.

"Isn't she here?" Freen asks looking around.

"No. She didn't come down." Nam says suddenly unsettling everyone.

"She is not upstairs either." Freen gasped.

"Guys!!" Heng yells, "The car is gone." He says coming in to the living room, "Becky left." He breathes out.

"Left where?"

"This note was outside, it's addressed to you Freen." He hands her the note.

Freen's hands trembled as she reached for the note.

"I'm not going to let him toy with my life anymore. He wants to play? I'm gonna bring the game right to him. I'm sorry I have to do this. But trust me I will come back to you. I love you all."


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A/N: Only few more chapters left.

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