Chapter 63: Meet the Remorseless Bird, Cardinal.

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The breeze would blow strong as red feathers were scattered around, the group looked at the large dust cloud as the figured grew a bit closer, all of a sudden a red flash happened in the clouds as the figured pulled his right and left hands closed and his arms to himself causing long but thin red shining lines to flash across the walls and houses of the villages before they were all split clean in half with the man dashing forward and doing a spinning forward flip in the air and axe kicking Sonny into the ground hard enough for him to bounce back up before the man did a spinning roundhouse kick throwing the boy into a tree so hard it smashed through it and cracked his rib cage.

With this the group was shocked as they got into a ready to fighting position, the village front was now in total cut up ruins.

Sonny: "Who the hell.... Are you!!?" He'd get up coughing a bit as he had Demons Fate now unsheathed and ready.

??: "Oh call me Cardinal, or The Cardinal if you wish, I already know your name Sonny boy and you're who I'm here for." The man said, his red velvet trench like coat with fluffy red feather ends on the cuffs and collar as it rests on his shoulders and arms, with the breeze causing it to wave around a bit, he was wearing blood red sunglasses with black rims, but behind them would be blood red eyes which spoke a pure sadistic lust for blood and violence. He was tall as he towered over Sonny and was right over Zens height, he was wearing black pants and a normal T-shirt which hugged his pretty well built physique.

Sonny: "Me? Why!?" He yelled out, still pretty ticked off about being kicked twice.

Cardinal: "My my, so aggressive. Why I'm here simply because I want your bounty, nothing less." He smiled at the boy.

Sonny: "Goodluck with that, ya creep." He growled some as he tightened the grip on his sword.

Cardinal just smirked mischievously before flash stepping behind Sonny and pulling his hand back and closing it as Sonny was instantly covered in deep cuts causing him to cry out in pain.

Elra: “Sonny!!!” She cried out in shock before glaring at Cardinal about to run at him before the man threw his hand out directly in front of her but keeping a distance which made her freeze in confusion and caution.

Sonny: "What the hell, how did you do that!?!" He coughed as he crouched down some, stumbling a bit.

Cardinal: "Oh, you'll have to figure out my power for yourself, boy." He said as he kicked Sonny into another tree, flashed stepped above him and grabbed his head slamming him down into the ground before throwing him back up in the air and waving his arm down throwing Sonny back into the ground with a loud thud and crack as the man laughed.

Sonnys eyes would flash blue and purple a bit as he saw thin threads attached to Cardinals fingers and hands, "Threads...?" He'd ask curiously and quietly.

Cardinal: "Precisely, more accurately known as the Threads of Hell, one of the very rare but very deadly powers, but I managed to have the luck of achieving it and then I proceeded to master it, not only that but, it appears you have soul sense hehehehe..."

Sonny: "Oh yeah... You're right... But how such a power be so deadly...? it's just threads..."

Cardinal: "I figured you would've known why after that attack, but if you must know, it's because anyone without soul sense can not see it, and not only that but it can cut easier than a hot knife through butter in both flesh and soul."

Sonny: "I see, so I assume you need a soul based weapon or attack to break em huh..?" He said as he stood up straighter, his cuts slowly healing

Cardinal: "Correct. Now enough chit chat. More ass kicking."
He'd flash step behind Sonny kicking him to a wall and pulling him into a punch with the threads as he threw him around, Elra would trap him but Cardinal would flash step behind Elra, Zen would dash in about to use a gravity punch on him but Cardinal would use the threads to throw Elra into it causing her to cough blood and fly into a wall, he'd then use the strings to put a dozen cuts on Zen and causing him to collapse and get tied up by the threads, Hazel would trap him in Hells Chains, thick dark grey chains with a red smokey aura to them but those were shredded from the strings as well, Blade would dash in but Cardinal would duck and send an X shaped attack across his chest and send a cut vertically across his face between his eyes causing him to fall over.
He'd run up and kicking Sonny back to the ground before he could fully get up, and he would keep his foot on his back.

Cardinal: "I'm a bit disappointed, I guess I was out of your league huh, all of you sucked, I expected atleast good results from either you or Zen, but nope. Oh well time to gain your bountyyy." He held his hand out about to strike.

Sonny: "Is that what this is about..?! My bounty!? Why??"

Cardinal: "Why? Why not!? For the bigger bounty, you have over a hundred million, might as well add it to mine, not to mention I already said that's why I was here." He said as he stomped Sonnys head into the ground.

Sonny would struggle to get up and soon reach over and grab Cardinals leg and throw him down flash stepping away coughing.

Cardinal would smile largely and flash step next to Sonny with his hand in front of the hybrids face as Sonny saw the threads shining but that was a distraction as he would grab Sonnys face and slammed his head into a wall of a village house smashing it before grabbing his face and slamming it in the ground then grabbed his leg and tossed him back to the others now covered in blood.

Sonny would be coughing blood as he lied on ground bleeding, Elra and Hazel would check on him trying to heal him quickly.

Cardinal would walk out of the smoke of the destroyed village slowly with a large smile laughing menacingly, “I can't wait to see your heads on a plaque in my home hehehehe....”


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