Chapter 26: Revenge is best served cold, Sonny vs Amare.

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Blue and pink smoke would come out of the room slowly clearing up as it would reveal Amare laying on the couch, "How cute of you to just bust in here with your little doggy."

Sonny: "She's my sister."

Amare: "Ain't that just weird, a Wingling related to a wolf? Did one of your parents sleep with one?"

Sonny: "Ew.. That's not quite how it happened.."

Amare: "Y'know, I don't actually care, entertain me you two." He'd say as his eyes glowed a lustful blue making Sonnys glow the same as he would slowly turn towards Hazel and go to swing his blade.

Hazel: "Sonny!!-" She'd back up a bit flinching before suddenly stopping and looking at him as he was just holding Demons Fate in the air struggling to not swing the blade down.

Amare: "Hm.. Odd, you should've killed her."

Sonny: "S..screw.... you...."

Amare: Sigh "You're boring as all hell." He'd say as he would get up now towering over Sonny as he'd run over and kick him in the stomach knocking him through the wall into another but empty room.

Sonny: "Ugh!!"

Amare: "I'll have to use full power, maybe you'll kill this whole town with it." He'd say as his eyes glowed a blinding blue causing Sonny to yell out and freeze before getting up as if he was blinded by Amares control.

Amare: "Now, kill them all."

Sonny: "nnnnnNNNNOOOOOO!" He'd yell out with a demonic voice which would shake the room and cause the walls to crack, as he'd flash step right at Amare grabbing his face and flinging him into the floor onto the second floor.

Hazel: "Sonny! what happened!?" She'd be reading through his soul seeing that it was now full of emotion.

Sonny would jump down doing a forward flip and a falling axe kick on Amares stomach causing the demon to vomit blue blood as he grabbed Sonnys face throwing him across the hall.

Sonny: "Go die!!! Soul blade!!!" He'd raised the blade and now due to his rage it would be covered with pure soul energy as he swung it down causing a large crescent blade on energy to destroy Amare and the entire half of the building just barely missing Hazel.
Cracks would start forming as his eyes would slightly glow blue as his demon would start forming. 'Sonny. Sonny!! Calm down! Don't let the rage take control!' Demon would yell in his mind as Sonny would shake his head and breathe in and out to calm himself.

Sonny: "Sorry.."

Hazel: "Be careful next time, you nearly killed me."

Sonny: "Hey, I'm still training to hold my emotions steady, and that jackass just messed it up."

Hazel: "Still. And let's go home, this place creeps me out."

Sonny would nod as he grabbed the same worker from earlier, "Hey! Where's the exit to the Underworld."

The demon would slowly grab a crystal out of the rubble, "J...just break this...."

Sonny: "Thanks!" He'd drop the demon taking the crystal and smashing it as a large portal would open and him and Hazel would walk out reappearing in the living world again.

Hazel: "Ugh, good to be back!"

Sonny: "Seriously, now let's eat, I'm starving!"

Hazel: "You said it."


Vero: "Hm... He just killed Amare.... He's quite the threat..." He'd go through the portal now holding the updated wanted poster of one hundred three million soul coins.


I hope Oda doesn't sue me for using bounties similar to One Piece, I've used bounties before in the old roleplay, just now I'm really making them important. :)

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