Chapter 40: Off to a Better End.

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Sonny would be walking through the trees and soon out of the forest as they made it to a hilly field with a large kingdom in the distance.

Hazel: "There it is!"

Blade: "Just don't punch the king this time."

Sonny: "Oh I'll be doing a lot worse if it means I can save Zen."

Blade: "I'm guessing we can't convince you not to?"

Sonny: "Nope!" He gave a large smile.

Elra: "Alright well, let's go then."

Sonny: "Hell yeah!!!"

Sonny and Hazel ran towards the kingdom as the others followed.


A bunch of men would be cheering and drinking in a bar at a random city near Resoruna as one man would yell: "We are our kings men, let us cheer and drink to our hearts content!"

All others: "Ye-!!"

The doors would slam open as Cardinal would lower the leg he kicked the doors open with and walk in confidential with his hands in his pockets as all the men would shut up instantly.

The Cardinal: "Oh hello boys, been awhile since I've walked in the living world, been in the Underworld for a little while." He'd say as he hopped on the counter and sat criss cross on it after taking one of their drinks like it was his and began drinking it.

Ares: "Who the hell are you?"

Gero: "I think that's The Cardinal. He has a five hundred million soul coin bounty in the Underworld."

Kerin: "He doesn't look so tough."

Cardinal: "Before coming to conclusion, hear me out first. I came here for one thing boys. To ask you to join me."

All the men started laughing, "And what makes you think we should do that?!"

Cardinal: "Because I already have a dozen men, you all have a dozen men, each of you hold around a hundred million soul coin bounties, and there's seven of you, that makes seven hundred million in total. Add that to my total of eight hundred million soul coins, that extra three hundred million includes my men plus their crews, and we get over a billion soul coin bounty for my army."

Jiro: "I have a three hundred million soul coin bounty, I don't need you, you think I care, none of us are joining you Cardinal."

Cardinal: "Oh. That's a shame." His lenses shined bright from the reflection as he lowered his head and pulled his right arm back closing his hand as Jiro was diced into a pile of pieces on top of a puddle of blood as the other men freaked out.

Cardinal: "Still don't want to join me?"

Everyone: "No! We'll join you lord Cardinal!" They all bowed.

Cardinal: “Good, otherwise you would've been deemed as useless, and anything I see as useless, I dispose of.” He gave a sinister smile and a laugh as he drank from a large glass.

"Cheers gentlemen! For you're now part of a fleet that has an overall bounty of a billion!! Not to mention all your crews plus my mens crews equal to over a hundred men."

The men cheered out of respect and fear for their new leader.


Kar would be roaming the forests, "It appears my plans are going well. Now I need to know if Kadie is willing to interfere and screw with said plans."

When he said that a large demon with a deer skull mask and grey rotted skin in black shadowy robes with the right side of said robes would be removed showing the wretched rotted grey body of the wendiego type monster that would tower over Kar, "Oh I'm willing to cause any and all suffering." A deep demonic but low echoey voice would speak from said demon.

Kar: "True but are you willing to do it under my name."

Kadie: "I serve no man Kar, you know this."

Kar: "Then you are useless." Kar would swipe at him at the speed of light but Kadie would be behind Kar.

Kadie: “I will only fight in my own name Kar, but I must wish you Goodluck on your fight against the boy, for you'll have no luck with me, I am only growing stronger. Wait until I dethrone the two Lords of the Final Destination.”

Kar: "Very well then, I must return the words of luck, despite us having similar goals, the future may hold us meeting again in a clash, and more than one."

Kadie: “Indeed....” he said as his eyes glowed a reddish orange.

Both would nod to each other and vanish into the darkness.

To be continued.....

We've reached the end if season two, things are about to get crazy, I'm highly excited for Cardinals show of the screen as he takes the spotlight, he's a menace that has no mercy, but I hope you did enjoy the read so far, I have many adventures planned out and plenty of villains, so stay tuned my readers, I love you all! And cherish the support!!
And credit goes to ImSad_Skyler for letting me use her Oc Hazel!
(Thank you, you the best Sky!)

As for my character notes I have a few!

Name: Amare.

Current age: Dead.
Beginning age: 792

Bloodline to appearance: A man who would be known as the demon of lust himself would live his life as a human trafficker snatching small children and young adults soon before getting captured and executed at the age of 30 along with two helpers he caught. He would later gain a demonic but lustful form of a large blue fluffy overcoat, pale skin, blue eyes and eyeliner, gloves and a pipe he would carry around with him at all times, he later stole a large feather hat from an ancient king due to it matching his colors, his hair would even be almost spikey but dark blue as he has two large feathers for a tail.

Physical abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and durability, perfect immunity, instant regeneration.

Energy abilities: The ability to make people go against each other, to manipulate emotions, flash step.

Weaknesses: Heavenly elements, soul attacks, and strong emotions.

Bounty: 50 million.

Name: Veronica and Velocity.

Current age: Alive and dead.
Beginning age: 750 and 732

Bloodline to appearance: A girl who's family was killed by bandits leaving her and her sister homeless and lost before running into Amare who gave them a second chance at life and made them join him which they would later enjoy as they kidnapped people and trafficked them as they showed no mercy. One day after Velocity died Veronica would run off after being spared by Sonny and would one day befriend Jupiter. Veronica would gain a pink outfit while the other sister wore blue, even their hair and makeup would match their colors, Veronica was given a whip while the other a sword.

Physical abilities: Both have superhuman speed, and flexibility, as well as durability and high immunity.

Energy abilities: Veronica has precise flash step allowing her to flash step to any place she wants so long as she can see it, sorta like teleportation. Velocity has extreme speeds becoming almost invisible by simply running.

Weaknesses: Soul attacks, heavenly attacks.

Bounty: 10 million each.

Or well two, but hey, we'll see more as time goes on, but thank you every who has supported the story, it has kept me writing it as I've had a writers block here and there but I enjoy it nonetheless, so thank you and until next time!!!

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