Summer at last

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Erebus sat beside Qrow, anticipation for Summer's return growing within him. His excitement was evident; he had grown quite attached to her during their brief interaction and journey through the realm of shadows. Despite this, he couldn't shake off the concern that Summer might have moved on, given that he had been dead for five years and circumstances could have shifted significantly since then.

Nevertheless, Erebus chose to hold onto hope, as it was all that sustained him at the moment.

Mostly, Qrow was uncertain about what to believe. He hid his surprise upon learning that Erebus had a soul, which raised more questions than it resolved. It was believed to be impossible for a Grimm to possess a soul, yet there was Erebus, with his aura weakly shimmering, leading the huntsman to wonder...

Could this Grimm be speaking the truth? It was certain that Erebus died helping Summer flee from Salem, but is it possible that he has indeed come back?

Qrow however wasn't going to let him out of his sight, this grimm was clearly dangerous.

Erebus: You know you don't have to keep staring at me, I'm not going anywhere.

Qrow: Yeah I don't believe you in the slightest, I'm only giving you a chance because it's what Summer would do

Erebus: I guess I cannot blame you for that, I wouldn't be so trusting Qrow, I...I'm grateful...

Qrow grunted in acknowledgment; although he didn't trust Erebus, he was certain that Summer would be interested in meeting the Grimm. If she truly recognized him, then Erebus would be deemed acceptable in his view.

Erebus: It still doesn't feel real...that I've returned to this life...I however don't intend to die again until Salem is dealt with.

Qrow: If what your saying is true and you really are Erebus, then I think it's safe to assume you don't like her...

it wasn't lost on Qrow that Erebus had tightened one of his fists in anger...

Erebus: I once loyal to Salem when I didn't know any better, yet throughout the years and battles, I had started to hate her, she was the one thing that stood in between me and my dreams.

Qrow: I didn't think you grimm had greater aspirations other than killing everything on sight.

Erebus looked down at his hands, the memories of all the horrors he had committed in service to Salem returning with a vengeance.

Erebus: I was like that Qrow, I have always been a killer and don't deserve peace, I deserve hell for all I've done while serving Salem.

Qrow hadn't expected such a response from the Grimm before him; it didn't sit right with him. He could sense that Erebus was experiencing genuine remorse for his actions.

It would be cruel to not give the grimm knight a chance.

Qrow: Alright then big guy, Summer should be back soon with Tai, I expect you to not lose your shit when you see her, never forget, I'm always watching you, move the wrong way and it won't matter that you have an aura.

Erebus: You have my word no harm will come to Summer, I didn't betray Salem for no reason.

Qrow: Good, keep that attitude and you'll be okay in my books.

Erebus nodded his head in acknowledgment, he could work with that...

Erebus: What on Remnant will I say to Summer? it's been five years, five long years since my final stand and any ideas Qrow?...

Qrow: In case you haven't noticed, this really isn't my place to give advice, your on your own big guy.

Erebus: Aren't you just helpful?...

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