Dear all, God and jesus, from Angel and Theosire.
We are all very upset us Angels of GOD and we would like to express our upsetness. There is no escape and no leaving the "CHNP" at all in any way possible and still as of yet nobody is making it possible for us. Myself, my Guardian Angel and many Archangels are stuck in a murderous place constantly fighting sword, knife and fire day and night with no way out. This is frustrating and very stressful. We repeat the message that we would please like as much money in the bank as possible, prescriptions in the chemists and a court order to collect from the police station. I insist to you that I do have my passport copy and CAN get money out of the bank but only in the mornings and I no longer like to go to the bank or chemist as for so long there has been nothing and my hope has dwindled.......... all Archangels are losing hope and are feeling very forlorn. They are starving hungry too and my Guardian Angel is only just keeping his wit. he and hey are protecting me day and night from an oncoming mass attack and we are all reaching out for help, none the less I have to hear - there it was again, "SHE'S DEAD!!!" - about 50 times from outside my door every single day and night. I cannot go into labour as nothing has been sent to the courts of Luxembourg and lest they take my children at birth, GOD cannot allow it so that makes our plan of action.... out the window untill better suited times which is when somebody actually does all of this which is asked, which is not much if iˋ'm serious, and i being serious. Please help. SOS. help. Hurry. ps. you know just as well as we do that the police are never going to come here or they would have been here a long time ago. We have been waiting 10 years and Archangel Jophiel just screamed. Take this seriously. He fragile. Thank you.
ps. we all suffer from a chropnic sleep condition and would appreciate it if you could please send an ambulance with the prescription and an order for me to leave with them, and the court order to another hospital so that i can leave from there IF the "CHNP" Really wont listen. Send them from out the country from belguim or Germany if you must (they are 25 and 40 minutes away by car and this is a fuck fast ambulance!) speedy speedy as must... but if you must... DO. All the Archangels are taking it in turns to tirlessly or rather very tiredly get up out of bed from deep and sad hugs to fight with fire and swords and stab people in the ehart to death to save my life, and this is upsetting and depressing the Archangels very much becuase they love people.... but they donˋ't like these ones ALL the time, and needs must. needs must. In thier defense, that is called defense and should not be heard in court - victims, you see, saving lives, like an army superhero ermm.... i have to go now to eat chocolate and drink coffee and kick ass, and i will finnish my food and drink fast. Cheers mates for listening - keep those heads up now and act prompty. Merci vielmols Vansclift.
Angel.Dear entire earth,HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are trapped inside a mafia base that are pretending to be a hospital.... pretend they are a hospital too and they will be nice to you and let me out just as the hospital laws say i should. Iˋve got an e-mail on how anybody can take me out and several solutions as to how to get us out but none are being supprted by the rest of alien to earth. This is a Nasa sos call. I'm in the middle of nowhere in a country called Luxembourg so small that most people think it IS germany or think Im in South Africa in a tiny village, but this is EUROPE. Itˋs inbetweeen Holland, german, France and Belgium and it takes 40 minutes to get from one side to the other by car.... that how long it takes you to walk through your town, I know, but trust me, althought this seems unreal, this is real. I'm in a mafia base.......... faking being a hospital, and this too is true. They are frauds. Iˋ'm innocent and alive and am searching for somebody to catch a plane that goes to an airport stemming about 10% of the entire country with planes - only few can fit at a time, and the KRANKENHOUSE is about 30 minutes drive away or 25 if you have a fuck fast ambulance, perhaps even 15 minutes so get that plane - itˋ'll take one hour from England to get here and now, that fast and there is not much more I can ask for aside from a lot of binge drinking of tequila sunrise..... and speed and cocaine, please ahh darn it, they already have speed and cocaine in ere but i don take any of it because it is lethal and thats true. Everybody in here is dying. The hospital,, mafia base, I mean, not the country. No, no, that would be terrible. Everybody is flying to our supersizezed airport from around the world and coming here to the krankenhouse to kill me, and thats true. The rest of the country are very unassuming and actually think its a hospital, and if they come here, they often die too... unless GOD has great, great, great mercy on them and saves their lives, in which case you can safely assume they just walked thorugh the doors downstairs, realised it smells like the dead and walked back out again because the coffee machine is broken. Good, because the coffee machine is lethal. NOW THEN: I've been asked for a confimration e-mail.They are wearing dead faces and dead bodies and have microchips for voices. They are actors, and bad. (Youˋd think that in such a small country word word get around but it does not. Donˋ't ask me why. Some things only GOD understands.) Everything they do a insane and pointless. why is it pointless? Because they didnˋ't get jobs as lawyers.Iˋ'm going to sleep now. Goodnight. ps. find my family, please, they are missing people. My daughter is on holiday until the 6th, but i cannot wait untill the 6th to be saved. They are all screamking, 2SHE DEAD!!!2 and if not, "hit her as soon as she walsk out of her room." a gunshot goes off and there is screaming..... thats the truth, really, truly, what is happening. everybody has just been poisoned and i am the only one who will live because i prayed. You shouldn underestimate the power of prayer or how oftzen people have survived poison because they prayed before thier meal - its the truth, we all do, we all have.GOD is constantly commanding those in the "CHNP" to behave themselves lest thier lives be taken sword for sword and they never listen.... Jesus is the calmest of them all but i would believe we are all at the enf of our pieces fo straw. Its boiling hot and i can only tell you the truthm another gunshot goes off and i am in my room asking planet mars to earth for somebody to listen.Thank you for hearing mg me out.As I was.Amen.,So weˋ've just had the food and drink break where I was only allowed ONE yoghurt and two tiny coffees, and I can just imagine thie conversation."No. Only one, Kim, because any more than one would be.... Totally insane." says "Julian.""Totally insane." says "Guillume.""Thatˋ's insane.... more than one... yohgurt... insane... only one." says "Pierre.""I see, so I cannot have two yoghurts because that would clearly mean I suffer with insanity." says I."Itˋ's crazy." says "Guillume."So I go to the cupboard and get out half of a tiny block of chocolate, "No more than half because thatˋ's, like, totally insane.""Please let me have one whole block?" I beg."No, no, no, thatˋs insane. Half." says "Julien""One whole block?! This is crazy talk!!!!!" says "Pierre."I dare to get two coffees.................. and go for a third."LUDICRACY!!!!!!!!" yells "Guillume.""I just thought iˋ'd ask, without meaning to sound insane, if i could have a third coffee?" I beg.The... whole.... room... falls... SILENT..............................."I donˋ't understand this word - THIRD. What IS three? If two is already insane, what is beyond insanity?!"Dun dun du du dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end.
GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...
Kurgu OlmayanThat it doesn't bring you pain. -The Missing Road by Radical Face. The next book in the impossible court case against the illuminati mafia that you cannot win but you are winning. This court case started off with telling YOU exactly what to do and h...