September 5, 2024

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If I think someone is cute, I'll eventually forget
Eventually not see it anymore
Even if they look at me
It'll be temporary
But if I like someone's heart
It won't be
And I like your heart
Haven't talked to you in a hot second
But we still get along
I might always be biased toward you
I love you
You aren't like kind of awkward, you're amazing
And you know, even if we act all polished
Things underneath will eventually show out
Like on you
But your brain just moves fast
Don't lose the light you have
Don't ever lose it
Because sometimes I don't know what I would have done without you
So I'm so thankful because I know you again

But if you get mad and you lash out
Will you feel bad later
I want to talk to you about it
Let's be amazing despite circumstances
And don't discard what it actually is
Because sometimes the path down is not steep
I love you, bro
And rest, don't break your back
Chill, calm your words
But grace is in the hand of God on high
He never wakes us up in the morning and says
''I'm short on grace today''
But with Him is unmeasurable plenty
Just hard to remember sometimes

I know I've said I love you
Many times
But it's nice that you hear something you weren't supposed to and you don't mind
And you actually listen and you know what to do
But you can be unhelpful because your joking side works well too
I'm rather good at forgetting random things
But you are slightly different
You're special
But my mom sat and told me how my eyes were blue around the edges, hazel inside and then a brown splotch in the middle
Green somewhere around there
Secondhand embarrassment, but then are we all?
Couples, confusion
Don't date in high school
It's a lovely day and I'm half blind
Is it comforting that we were made like that, because it's disconcerting
But it will be okay because He knows
And He'll watch us
Because He knows this face
And when we wander, wondering

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