name changed to BAU



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Hotch: ...

Ally: why'd u change the group name

Hotch: Because I didn't like the other one

Ally: lies

Ally: I heard u tell jj that you giggled at it 

Hotch: I do not "giggle" 


JJ: what's this then? hmm??Hotch: how did you get that?Elle: ally and I spied on u one time and recorded ur lil moment with bethy booAlly: I sent it to jj lol Ally: she thinks you have a great smile *message deleted*

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JJ: what's this then? hmm??

Hotch: how did you get that?

Elle: ally and I spied on u one time and recorded ur lil moment with bethy boo

Ally: I sent it to jj lol 

Ally: she thinks you have a great smile 

*message deleted*

Hotch: I didn't catch that last message?

JJ: it was nothing 

Ally: ;)

Tara: hey so good news!! 

Derek: SHUT UP.

Ally: what's wrong, derek? your chick from last night reject you? 

Elle: that was a chick?


Derek: you guys keep blowing up my phone and I'm trying to finish up this last report 

Tara: no one cares baldie. Anyway, so I have a date tonight!!

Derek: finally took my advice, huh?

Spencer: deez nuts took your advice. 

Ally: ...

JJ: what?

Hotch: Reid are you feeling ok?

Spencer: no <3

Ally: lol I taught him how to be funny 

Spencer: :) 

Derek: who's going to teach you? 

Hotch: Walker don't-

Hotch: damn it. 


Ally: lol I went to slap his bald head but I kicked his chins instead

Emily: well deserved <3 

Emily: also I have a date tonight so none of u bitches better bother me

JJ: hey that's cool. Tara has a date tonight as well. 

Tara: what a coincidence

Spencer: have fun guys!!

Derek: omg tara and emily are going on a date together 

Rossi: hey guys

Rossi: quick question

Rossi: who spilled my pasta noodles all over the floor?

Rossi: I was going to make pasta tonight


Ally: also congrats Tara and Emily!!! <33 ;)

Derek: not me 

Emily: I was going to deny it but ig there's no point so yeah tara and I will be busy tonight so don't bother us.  

Hotch: what if we have a case?

Tara: people can die another day. 


Spencer: Oh.

Hotch: Tell that to the dead victims' families. 

Ally: wait do we seriously have a case?

Hotch: no. 

Rossi: so is no one going to confess to the spillage?

Rossi: Aaron why are you walking back to your office quickly?

Ally: because that little bitch did it. 

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