name changed to derek is a hoe


Elle: it fits u tho

Ally: ^

Derek: I can't move on? elle ur a literal adult (or so I thought) and u can't stand the thought of me doing that?

Derek: grow up, I'm glad we broke up

Spencer: can we not get into this drama right now?

Emily: my birthday was great, thanks for asking.

Tara: not a good time, babe

Hotch: alright, elle and derek, you two agreed to be friends, did you not?

Elle: yes but I thought he just needed a break from us and maybe we'd get back together eventually

Elle: i wasn't expecting him to move on so fast

Elle: it's like he never loved me at all

Garcia: what is this rumor going around that I slept with Derek?

Derek: it was probably elle she's butthurt the most about it 

Hotch: Derek.

Elle: why tf would I spread that rumor around?

Tara: derek why r u being a dick

Ally: fr ur not setting a good vibe in this gc 

Derek: well if elle wasn't so butthurt about it, i wouldn't be acting the way i am

Garcia: elle I promise you derek and I never slept together. we're best friends

Elle: ok i believe u penny 

Hotch: listen I'm just going to voice out my opinions. You don't have to agree with me on any of this.

Hotch: 1, derek, you sleeping with someone right after breaking up is a dick move. If you knew the relationship was really over, then fine, I won't give you shit for that. 

Hotch: 2, elle, if you still love Derek, then tell him that and make sure he knows you still want to be with him, even if you two are on a break. 

Hotch: 3,  I don't want any drama within the workplace or this group chat. That is why fraternalization rules were placed in the first place. Should we go back to that? 

Hotch: 4, Ally and Spencer, work whatever you two are fighting about out. It's really depressing the rest of the team. 

Hotch: same goes for elle and derek. If you wanna be friends, then be friends. If not, then just don't acknowledge each other unless it's at work and we're on a case. 

Ally: nah u didn't have to come at me and spencer like that

Spencer: ^ 

Emily: LMAO

Hotch: oh and happy belated birthday emily. 

Hotch: Tara, JJ, Garcia, Rossi, do any of you have any drama we need to discuss? 

Garcia: no but I really wish someone could tell everyone in the bullpen that the rumor about Derek and I is false 

Hotch: I will spread the word. 

Rossi: I have no issues except for someone eating all the food I've been cooking. 

Rossi: ELLE.

Elle: don't look at me.  

Hotch: I'm pretty sure I saw Derek, Tara and Ally eat some at their desks

Tara: HEY

Derek: he makes good food stfu 

Ally: leave us hungry people alone :/ 


private message between ally and spencer

Spencer: Ally

Ally: why'd u make a separate gc 

Spencer: because I need to tell you something

Ally: now u wanna talk to me? It's been two days. We've never fought for that long

Spencer: look I'm really sorry but I kinda slept with someone on the night I walked out after our fight 

Ally: u what

Spencer: I feel really bad and when Hotch called us out on our problems, I figured maybe we should admit our wrongdoings and try to work things out 

Ally: I don't have anything to admit

Ally: but thanks for letting me know I'm the only faithful one in this relationship 

Spencer: Ally, I love you!! Sleeping with this person was a mistake. I want to fix us 

Ally: ur saying person and not a specific gender. did u sleep with a guy??

Spencer: well um...yeah. 

Ally: who was it 

Spencer: you don't need to know that. All I care about is fixing things with you 

Ally: no tell me who it is 

Spencer: I'd rather not. 

Ally: is it someone I know??

Spencer: that's not important.

Ally: omg. I think I know who it is. 

Spencer: no you don't. 

Ally: It's derek, isn't it? ur sleeping with derek. 

Spencer: it was only one time

Ally: i can't believe u, why would u sleep with someone like him when he and elle just broke up

Spencer: it just happened!! I was upset about our fight, I was talking to derek who was going through something similar with elle and it just happened. It isn't going to happen again

Ally: I don't trust that is the case. 

Spencer: allison please...

Ally: u cheated on me, and who knows, derek probably cheated on elle too

Ally: u so called men r pigs

Ally: if it isn't obvious, it's over between us

*Ally has left the chat*



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