Hi guys, I am back, kind of. I still don't have much inspiration, and truth be told, I might change the ships around a bit because I realized some of them are kind of cringe lol. I won't tell you who these new ships are until I write the chapter for it. I probably won't update as much as I did previously but either way, I'm still going to write for this book. :) enjoy this chapter!!


                                 name changed to she doesn't even go here!!!


JJ: no but why is this hilarious-

Spencer: I don't get it?

Elle: it's a movie reference Spence

Hotch: I didn't even approve this name change, who did it?

Hotch: Derek.

JJ: why would derek use a mean girls' reference as a name for this groupchat?

Ally: I have a better idea

Ally: also I was the one who changed it hehe

name changed to derek's bald 

Ally: tada!!!

Emily: nah why did u have to go at him like that? 

Tara: emily ur laughing harder than u did at the first name change

Emily: right. 

JJ: Hotch broke down laughing in his office, I can hear him LMAOOO

Derek: what's happening

Derek: ALLISON!!

Ally: stop being bald


Ally: no :)

Garcia: what's going on?

Garcia: oh changed the gc name again, nice 

Elle: it's hilarious penny

Derek: ELLE.

Elle: get over it baldy

Tara: lol elle that's ur bf

Elle: oh yeah um

Derek: we broke up, stfu about it 

Spencer: oh :( 

Hotch: if either one of you need to talk, I'm here

Elle: we're fine, it happened a week ago


Emily: I declare having a girl's night with just me, penny, elle, jj, ally and tara 

Rossi: I'm bringing in food monday since it's my birthday


Derek: probably like 85 

Rossi: I am not 85, Derek.

Derek: sorry, *86

Tara: ur not funny 

Ally: fr fr don't bully the italian

Hotch: we can have a get together at my place

Spencer: I can bring cake

Garcia: no no boy wonder leave that part to me

Rossi: aaron no offense but why would we all gather at your small ass apartment?

Emily: fr fr ^ think hotchner

Hotch: MY bad. 

JJ: leave him alone guys

Ally: but fr rossi how old r u?

Rossi: why do you wanna know?

Derek: because she wants to know, like the rest of us

Rossi: I am an age, that's all you need to know. 

Ally: i'll tell u my age

Rossi: sigh

Ally: I'm 30 :D

Tara: guys can we go back to talking about elle and derek breaking up, like what happened

Derek: not ur business

Elle: fr we agreed to be friends, that's all u need to know

Spencer: sorry for whatever happened guys

Derek: thank u pretty boy 

Ally: can we go back to talking about how old rossi is

Rossi: I hate this group chat 


like I said, I probably won't update as much, maybe like once or twice a week, depending on if I get any inspiration :) 

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