emily added ally, elle, spencer, and hotch to we the best bitches!!!



Elle: WOOOO!

Spencer: Oh here we go 

Hotch: I guess I gotta be the dad and make sure you all behave

Elle: we'll behave, promise

Elle: damn it's so quiet in here without derek, penny, rossi and tara :( wonder what they're doing rn

Ally: I'm sure they're just fine, let's just focused on getting turnt

Spencer: I'm sorry, getting 'turnt"? 

Ally: lol oh spencer ur so innocent it's so cute 

Hotch: nobody is getting 'turnt' not on my watch. 

Emily: omg hotch u have never been to a bachelorette party or bachelor party have u?

Ally: I'm sure he has, back in the dinosaur era lmao where all he and his people did was stand and talk like the elderly do today 



Hotch: I'll have you know we drank responsibly, and also, we sat and didn't stand.

Hotch: Also this wasn't in the dinosaur era Allison. 

Ally: ya ya lmao either let us get drunk or u can go to tara's party. I'm sure they're drinking responsibly. 

Emily: I just asked my wife to be how her party's going and derek is so drunk rn it's fucking hilarious, she sent a video


Ally: is he wearing a fucking suit to a CLUB? LMAOOOO HE HAS TO BE SO EMBARRASSED RN 

Emily: lmao ya tara lied to him and told him it was formal night at the club, I'm so happy I'm marrying her we're so alike in personality 

Hotch: Hmm

Ally: ??? do u have something to share with the class??

Hotch: No..

Spencer: so let's drink! 


Elle: derk atcualy thins i still lve him?? hes te one who still lves me!


Spencer: oh lord they're completely wasted

Hotch: I'll get Ally, where's Emily?

Spencer: singing karaoke lol 

Hotch: I need to record this 

Ally: bossyman haiii

Hotch: drink water Ally please

Ally: neverrrr

Elle: he fking kiss me, he did 

Spencer: wait what

Ally: derk kissed elley belleyyyy idk wen but shhhh dont tell spencey

Hotch: Oh no

Elle: he he he he he

Hotch: Alright let's call it a night, shall we?


cleo fan club hours later 


Tara: nobody was talking u harlot 

Derek: how much did I have to drink?

Rossi: you drank quite a lot, kid 

Garcia: we had to pull you off Rossi, you were getting weird lmao


Emily: that's funny af I'm so sorry

Rossi: how was your guys' night?

Hotch: The girls got drunk and Reid and I stayed sober 

Ally: we were wild af lmao

Emily: apparently I was singing karaoke??

Hotch: yes I have a video 

Hotch: oh and apparently Derek kissed Elle according to Elle herself

Rossi: what? when?

Tara: no way, what??

Derek: wait she brought that up?

Ally: oh oh no oh no no no I forgot I knew about it 

Derek: HOLD UP. elle told u all this last night?

Ally: she told me a few nights prior to the party 

Ally: and apparently she brought it up again on the bachelorette gc 

Derek: FUCK. Where's Spencer?

Emily: idk honestly. He might be sleeping still 

Derek: he never came home last night, where is he? 

Ally: idk

Ally: ima text him 

Derek: tell him to call me please 


ally added spencer to ally+spencer friendship


Ally: Ima keep blowing this up til u answer me 

Ally: if ur mad at me too, I'm sorry spencer. Elle said it didn't mean anything and Derek was confused about his feelings, just talk to him pls and reply if ur alive 

Spencer: How long have you known about their kiss, Ally?

Ally: not long, maybe like 3 days but Elle made me swear not to say anything, and Derek wanted to tell u on his own terms 

Spencer: When was that going to be? After Emily and Tara's wedding? 

Ally: idk? but he wants to talk to u, please call him 

Spencer: I don't even know what to say right now. 

Ally: He loves u. I've never seen someone as dumb as Derek fall in love like this. I'm sure he's loved u since u two slept together and cheated on me 

Spencer: Ally...

Ally: sorry but I'm going to bring it up. Derek's an idiot, and I spoke to him and gave him a lecture. Why he hadn't told u yet is a mystery to me so like I said, derek's an idiot. But he's an idiot who loves u and will do anything for u, just talk to him 

Ally: like I'm sure u loved me, ur feelings stayed strong until u realized it wasn't. what if that was the case with him and elle? maybe they needed closure, or he needed closure? what if that was their final goodbye?

Spencer: you and I never had a final goodbye. You just left me like you had no intention of taking me back. 

Ally: r u saying u want a final goodbye? cuz I can give it to u. But we need to tell derek 

Spencer: like he told me he was going to kiss elle? please, we're not going to tell him 

Ally: ok fair, but spence, u need to make sure ur not doing this to get him back for doing it to u 

Spencer: well, I'm not. I'm at the bau rn I stayed here, come over here

Ally: how did u get past security??

Spencer: I didn't need to, they know I work here lmao 

Ally: it's that easy to get in there during non hours?

Spencer: just tell them you're here to catch up on paperwork

Ally: omg I feel like a criminal ready on a mission 

Spencer: lol just get over here 


cleo fan club

Emily: what's taking ally so long to reply?

Derek: her phone keeps going to voicemail

Hotch: I keep getting the same thing 

Garcia: oh she just texted me

Garcia: she wanted me to let you all know that she is sorry for not replying, but she is doing something rn and to not worry about her

Tara: doing something or someone?

Emily: ooh she did meet a cute guy last night at the club

Hotch: she did?

Emily: ya they exchanged numbers, she was so excited lmao she must be getting dick 

Derek: she's supposed to be getting Spencer to talk to me 

Emily: lmao hotch why do u look so mad

Hotch: I'm not, this is just my face

Tara: no that's ur jealous face 

Hotch: I do not have a 'jealous' face. 


Tara: when another agent was flirting with ally that one day lmaoHotch: can you guys stop taking pictures of meTara: no lol 

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Tara: when another agent was flirting with ally that one day lmao

Hotch: can you guys stop taking pictures of me

Tara: no lol 


ally+spencer friendship

Ally: omg we shouldn't have done that, why did we do that

Spencer: Ally, it was for closure, remember?

Ally: it was only supposed to be a kiss, not a full on make out session, wtf I was afraid we were going to have sex

Spencer: even if it did lead to that, why is that a bad thing?


Spencer: Maybe I can leave him and be with you. The kiss obviously meant something on both sides

Ally: It really didn't. Spence let's not speak of this again, ok? It was only for closure. Now call Derek and make up with him and tell him u believe that there's nothing going on w him and elle which there is not 

Spencer: Ally, I know you. You're scared to fall for me again, which is ok but I know this time I'll treat you right. Just give me a chance.

Ally: I fell for u once, and then u cheated on me w derek. the love I have for u is long gone. I haven't told anyone this but I still have feelings for hotch

Spencer: You deserve better than Hotch, the man doesn't even love you! He even told you that. 

Ally: spencer stop it. I don't love u, not in that way. just please go back to derek. 

Spencer: Ally...

Ally left ally+spencer friendship

cleo fan club

Hotch: she finally answers her phone


Hotch: she said she was with Spencer, she tried to convince him to call you back. 

Derek: he hasn't yet...

Derek: but it's been a while tho, it took her that long to talk to him?

Garcia: what if they were doing the dirty lol 

Emily: Penny don't say that

Derek: Ally wouldn't do that to me

Derek: Right?

Garcia: I was kidding love, of course she wouldn't.

Hotch: She wants to meet me somewhere, but she told me to tell you to expect a call from Spencer soon, Derek

Derek: ok ok phew maybe he's going to forgive me

Elle: hey what's happening

Elle: oh

Derek: u stupid bitch, u told the other gc about our stupid meaningless kiss the other day!!

Rossi: Hey let's not start name calling now.


Elle: and it was stupid of me to tell Ally

Derek: U THINK??

Derek: now spencer probably hates me but I was told to expect a call from him soon which is either good or bad news but if he breaks up with me elle i'm taking u down with me 

Elle: take me down how? lmao

Derek: I will spread word to ur gf I know where she works 

Elle: we're already broken up, she left me for her ex 

Tara: this sounds familiar. 

Derek: wtf I would never take elle back no way

Derek: u probably deserved it tho

Elle: fuck u derek idk what I did to make u hate me but ur an asshole!

*elle left cleo fan club

Garcia: Derek you need to stop being pissed at Elle all the time, what is going on with you and her? 

Rossi: He still loves her, he just won't admit it


Emily: have u heard from him yet?

Derek: no :( 

Hotch: Guys Ally just told me something, but Derek you need to remain calm when I tell you this 

Derek: what is it 

Hotch: Ally just told me she was with Spencer but they, uh, made out for "closure", but truth be told, it sounds like Spencer just wanted to hurt you back

Derek: ...what

Derek: oh he's calling me now


idk why I added so much drama to this gc but I can't stop lol  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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