cleo fan club  

Tara: our wedding is quickly approaching yall

Emily: so exciting!!

Ally: it's 3 in the morning, what r u two on

Elle: plz shut up so I can sleep thank u

Tara: no em and i are getting excited !!

Derek: hey shush no talking plz


Ally: em...ily but stfu plz and thanks :) 

Emily: no <333

Rossi: everyone please go to bed, we can talk about it in the morning, thank you

Elle: rossi where tf u been 


Tara: morning everyone :)

Ally: I couldn't go back to sleep thanks to u and ur fiancé

Tara: sorry babes 

Hotch: It's a good thing I muted the chat last night

Ally: want a cookie??

Hotch: I'd love one actually

Ally: me too, u should go get us some 

Hotch: ...

Derek: anyway can we talk about how gorgeous my boyfriend is 

Spencer: Oh stop it :) 

Elle: yes please stop it 

Derek: lmao jealous elle??

Elle: why tf would I be jealous I'm dating someone 

Ally: omg I forgot about that, how's that going btw? 

Elle: it's going good, we're going on a date tonight after work 

Rossi: I've got a date tonight too! 

Derek: u and strauss getting pretty serious eh?

Ally: ngl I thought that was a joke, is it not 

Rossi: Nope :) 

Ally: well good for u ig but I still hate her :) 

Emily: anyway tara and I r sending out invitations this week for the wedding

Rossi: it's kind of late to be doing that, isn't it? Considering your wedding is in a few weeks?

Emily: lol ya 

Tara: ngl we got kinda lazy

Spencer: hold up-do you guys even have someone planning your wedding?

Emily: nope its just been me and tara 

Spencer: that explains it...

Ally: what kind of food r u guys having there jw :)))

Tara: it's a surprise 

Ally: tell meeeee

Ally: r u having rossi make italian bc I wouldn't be mad at that :))

Emily: u will just have to see bestie 

Derek: alright who drew a penis on my desk with permanent marker 

Ally: no way what?? LMAO

Elle: a penis? lol I mean it makes sense but...

Rossi: permanent marker?

Hotch: oh geez. Who did it guys?

Derek: spencer was it u

Spencer: why the hell would I draw a penis on your desk with permanent marker?

Derek: to please me? idk

Ally: tmi 

Derek: ally was it u? 

Ally: no but I have major respect for anyone who did do it 

Derek: bossman why r u laughing


Hotch: no I was just laughing at Ally's remark 

Derek: ur always laughing at everything she says, r u sure u don't have feelings for her?

Emily: lol I did it 

Tara: I gave her the permanent marker 


Hotch: Just because I laugh at things she says doesn't mean I have feelings for her

Ally: can yall not make this awkward 

Derek: sorry 

*derek added elle, penny, tara, emily, spencer and rossi to what if 

Tara: such a stupid gc name bruh

Elle: y did u add us to another gc and why isn't ally or bossman on here

Derek: stfu tara

Derek: anyway it's so obvious bossman loves ally 

Penny: didn't we already go through the drama of them dating, he already admitted he never loved her

Derek: ik but what if he secretly does love her tho

Derek: how can u not love ally 

Spencer: good point but babe maybe this is just all in your head 

Derek: I see the way he looks at her tho

Emily: oh no ally is walking over probably wondering why we're not texting the other gc 

Rossi: why was I added on here

Derek: idk

Derek removed Rossi from what if 

Elle: lol derek pls

Spencer: look if he realizes he does actually like ally, let him figure it out on his own terms. Until then, we need to just leave them alone 

Derek: fiiiine

cleo fan club

Ally: did u make another gc and why wasn't i invited in on it

Hotch: I was wondering the same thing

Derek: no we were all texting separately 

Ally: mhm 


lol idk anymore 

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