name changed to cleo fan club

Ally: if u are not in this club, imma assume u hate cats


Ally: I met ur cat a dozen times emmy lol 

Tara: we're thinking about getting another one

Ally: I can send u two the place I got cleo 

Emily: thank u!!

Spencer: tbh I'm not going to argue with the name change this time

Derek: me either 

Garcia: I'm so in the Cleo fan club!!

Ally: :) 

Hotch: again with the name change...

Ally: r u saying ur not in the club SIR??

Hotch: don't look at me like that Ally please...

Derek: just say ur in the club hotchner 

Ally: I will kick u from this chat

Hotch: lol jokes on you, I'm the only one with access to kicking people out of the chat

Ally: oh really

*5 minutes later lmao* 

*Hotch is removed from chat* 

Ally: he can cope or cry LMAO

Emily: omg how did u get him kicked out if u aren't admin

Ally: I never reveal my secrets

Spencer: oh I think I know what the secret is

Spencer: *cough* Garcia

Garcia: how dare you blame me

Spencer: you are literally the only one with hacking skills

Tara: heads up penny, hotch is on his way to ur office lol

Garcia: oh no

Ally: this is too funny I'm crying

*Hotch is added to the group chat* 

Hotch: Never do that again, hm?

Ally: no please do 

Hotch: Allison.

Ally: Hotchner. 

Elle: what'd I miss

Elle: oh lmao 

Derek: say ur in the club next time otherwise that won't happen

Hotch: I am not in any club.

Ally: I can hear cleo's sigh from here 

Ally: no wait that was hotch's sigh lol 

Garcia: I am so glad the drama is finally over bc I hated it so much

Derek: same

Ally: let's not bring it up again kk?

Ally: so my birthday is coming up yall.

Derek: ur getting old girly pop

Ally: ...

Ally: u are older than me u dumb ass 

Ally: and if u call me girly pop again, u will regret it

Derek: ok ally wally

Ally: someone hold my purse

Emily: go bestie go!!

Spencer: oh shit I didn't realize ally can run that fast

Hotch: Allison and Derek!!

Derek: someone help me!!

Elle: lol no 


Spencer: I mean...don't get on ally's bad side babe

Tara: lol damn derek's got no one

Derek: no more sex for u!!

Spencer: I can live without it tbh 


Emily: even Hotch is laughing hELP LOL

Hotch: listen...

Derek: damn babe I see how u are 

Spencer: :) 

Ally: he regrets nothing he ever says and I respect it honestly 

Garcia: aww choco thunder do you want to come to my lair of greatness and eat cookies with me? 

Derek: thank u baby girl i'd love to, ur so amazing, better than spencer even

Spencer: now you're just trying to hurt me back lol 

Derek: is it working?

Spencer: nope 

Elle: damn lol 


just a light hearted chapter lol 

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