name changed to wicked bitch of the west is gone!!!

Tara: nah that is foul, u r foul for that ally lol

Ally: I'm really not tho

Derek: ^

Emily: sorry ally but I miss jj :(

Ally: idc lol she caused me so much stress

Spencer: well now that JJ is off the team, maybe things will be a little quieter from now on

Ally: we r getting peace at last!!!

Hotch: we've got a case, meet in the conference room in 5

Derek: maybe jj is the unsub

Ally: now THAT is foul LMAOOO


Elle: so is this unsub dumb or what

Elle: like u realize we see u in public right dumbass

Elle: maaan this is way too easy

Ally: what if it's a trap, what if that's not the unsub

Spencer: Ally, we have multiple witnesses 

Spencer: That's the unsub

Ally: oh lol

Hotch: Off your phones please.

Ally: sir yes sir!!


Tara: how long did it take for us to catch this unsub

Emily: only a few hours, the local police could have handled this shit omg

Hotch: Well, the unsub killed 3 women

Hotch: But yeah with his MO, they definitely could have handled it themselves 

Ally: fr fr like get a more challenging case pls

Garcia: the fact that you guys never called me hurts :(

Derek: baby girl there was literally no reason to, we caught the unsub without having to use u to track him down 

Garcia: still :(

Derek: love u tho 

Elle: so paperwork isn't gonna take long then so how about drinks after work, my treat

Derek: ??? 

Derek: r u asking me out elle bc we broke up remember

Elle: fucking moron I was talking about the whole team not just u

Elle: i'm over u I thought we've been over this

Ally: I'd love drinks elle thank u 

Emily: ngl elle and derek should get back together 

Elle: no <333

Derek: no <333

Ally: yall jinxed each other, that's so cute 

Elle: stfu fr fr 

Derek: ^

Spencer: I could go for drinks

Hotch: I've got a huge amount of paperwork I need to do so I gotta pass on that invite but thanks Elle

Ally: ??? can't that wait

Hotch: No because Strauss wants me to get it done tonight. I might not be able to leave until 11 tonight. 

Ally: so I'm going to be home alone tonight then :(

Tara: I lowkey forgot u guys were dating lol 

Spencer: honestly me too 

Emily: no scratch that, derek and spence should get together

Elle: HELP?? LOL

Spencer: No.

Derek: y not



Ally: sorry but I gotta agree with emily


Tara: Spencer don't tell me you're still in love with Ally.

Ally: fr fr I'm dating our boss

Spencer: so what if I am

Elle: oh-

Derek: ally is over u she said it a bunch of times now come over here and give me some love

Emily: lowkey predator behavior

Tara: ^

Spencer: ugh fine

Ally: :O

Garcia: ^ 

Derek: wait fr fr?

Spencer: no lol 

Spencer: #sike


let's be honest, I am team moreid, who else?? lol 

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