
*Ally is added to bau

Elle: BABES!!

Ally: hi elle belle 

Elle: how r u? r u ok?

Ally: no but I'm gonna come back to work whether I like it or not.

Tara: welcome back!!

Emily: guys it's only been like, 2 days, yall r acting like she's been gone a month lol 

Elle: so?

Ally: lol ily elle

Spencer: Hi Ally!!

Ally: hey spence

Tara: u missed so much, bossman and derek r at each other's throats rn

Ally: wait what

Ally: like deepthroating or...

Emily: I just gasped


Tara: i'm going to piss myself omg LOL


Ally: I read that as 'in each other's throats' 


Spencer: I'm glad to see your sense of humor back Ally :) 

Ally: I'm glad u didn't take offense to my stupid ass spence :) if what I thought it said was true, I'd be throwing hands at derek ngl 

Ally: even tho u cheated on me, i know ur not deserving of it 

Spencer: Thanks Ally 

Derek: ALLY UR BACK !!!

Derek: wait what

Tara: LOL

Ally: I misread what Tara said, sorry lol 

Ally: but if u ever cheat on spencer ur going to deal with my fist in ur face :) 

Derek: noted. 

Rossi: Sono cosi felice di riaverti qui, Allison! 

Ally: ...

Ally: David none of us speak italian

Ally: so simmer down with that shit, thank u lol 

Rossi: ...

Rossi: welcome back...

Derek: nah u didn't have to come at rossi like that lmao

Hotch: Welcome back Ally.

Ally: so who wants to come over later to see Cleo

Garcia: omg did someone say Cleo? ME!!

Garcia: also welcome back Ally!!

Ally: Thank u penny <3


Tara: Elle cats don't get taller. 

Derek: fatter maybe

Ally: derek stfu 

Rossi: Allison, Hotch was talking to you.


Ally: LOOK SHE'S STILL CUTE AND NOT FAT DEREKGarcia: Yep definitely coming over laterElle: ^Emily: ^Tara: ^Spencer: ^ Hotch: Ally can you at least acknowledge that I exist?Rossi: Remember what I told you Allison

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Garcia: Yep definitely coming over later

Elle: ^

Emily: ^

Tara: ^

Spencer: ^ 

Hotch: Ally can you at least acknowledge that I exist?

Rossi: Remember what I told you Allison...

Ally: ugh fine, hey agent hotchner.

Ally: Better?

Rossi: we'll keep working on it. 

Derek: damn she went for the professional name LOL

Garcia: hey Hotch have you spoken to JJ lately?

Hotch: Yeah, she finally let me come see Aubrey. I told her I'm beyond pissed at her for not letting me know she gave birth 

Emily: as u should !!

Emily: does she ever mention any of the rest of us or??

Elle: that's what I wanna know lol 

Ally: I hope not. yall need to remember how she treated me during that whole ordeal 

Hotch: what about me?

Ally: Do u seriously want to get into this argument again??

Rossi: Guys enough

Spencer: Ally you literally defended Hotch during that entire thing and now you're basically taking back everything you said?

Ally: Did I say I'm taking everything back?? 

Elle: Guys no drama i'm BEGGING

Garcia: ^ please, happy thoughts only!!

Ally: fine. Anyway, Tara, Elle, Emily, Penny, Derek and Spencer can come visit Cleo later

Rossi: ??? what about me

Ally: fine, u can come too, only if u bring pasta

Rossi: Deal! 

Hotch: Can I come?

Ally: idk. 

Emily: Ally, it's just to see Cleo, let him come. 

Ally: fine but don't expect me to have any sort of conversation with u agent hotchner 

Hotch: ...

Rossi: Allison! 



Derek: nah why is ally chugging down that wine like she's got dick in her throat


Emily: I cackled, derek wtf LMAO

Elle: inappropriate lmao

Spencer: DEREK.

Derek: spencer stfu lol

Hotch: Highly inappropriate. Someone get that bottle away from her

Tara: on it 

Emily: how many has she had so far

Derek: one I think lol

Elle: Rossi HAD to bring the wine

Rossi: how was I supposed to know she'd be drinking it all??

Ally: thanks fer da wineh paps

Tara: she's out of it already wtf 

Emily: Ally, babes, u only had one drink, u shouldn't be drunk

Ally: mabey i had 4

Elle: FOUR?

Hotch: What...everyone just got here

Ally: haha

Spencer: she has 4 empty bottles in her bag

Derek: ok but why didn't any of us realize that

Ally: becuaes im smart and u r not 

Derek: at least I have MUSCLES.

Hotch: Dave...

Rossi: on it. 

Rossi: give me your bag, Allison

Emily: not Ally running away lmaoo

Derek: don't trip ally wally 

Derek: holy shit she just fell LMAO

Garcia: Derek Morgan it is not nice to make fun of a friend in this condition

Elle: now she's crying, someone help her up

Hotch: I've got her

Derek: u should let me help her, she isn't gonna want ur help

Tara: hm she doesn't seem to be pushing him away derek.

Derek: she's drunk and confused, she has no clue what she's doing.

Ally: plese more drink dfwfef

Tara: no drinks ally we r concerned about u

Spencer: lay her on the couch.

Ally: im fine totlly fuine

Hotch: I'm taking her to my place tonight. Jack's with Jessica until tomorrow afternoon 

Derek: no let her come stay with me, she is not going to be happy when she's sober and realizes where she's at 

Hotch: I can handle anything she throws at me. Besides this is a good chance for her and I to talk things through. 

Derek: good luck. Make sure u wear something to shield ur face in case she literally throws something at u 

Emily: lmao

Hotch: She won't. 

Elle: no offense sir but u clearly didn't date ally long enough to actually know what she's capable of 

Spencer: ^ 

Elle: same goes for u spencer lol 

Hotch: I've known her long enough though. She'll throw one of her tantrums and then give me the silent treatment for like a day or two

Derek: if u say so


Ally: my fucking head hurts, everyone shut the fuck up now

Garcia: oh sweetie nobody was talking I'm afraid

Ally: penny ily but hush

Ally: wait where tf am I

Ally: oh hell no

Ally: who let me stay with agent butthead

Hotch: agent butthead? what are you, five?

Ally: someone come save me!!!

Elle: take some ibuprofen and u will feel better...soon. 

Hotch: I got you water as well. Do not complain.

Ally: who died and made u boss

Hotch: Allison, do what I say please. 

Derek: did she throw anything at u yet lol 

Hotch: No, because like I said, I know her

Ally: hm what can I throw in here...

Ally: lol he fucking hid anything I can use to throw at him

Ally: even the remote, wtf i wanna watch tv

Hotch: I'm taking NO chances

Ally: can u take me home if ur not going to let me have fun here

Ally: this apartment describes u perfectly 

Ally: boring af 

Derek: I'm sorry but LMAO!! so true

Rossi: Allison...

Ally: he can cope or cry :) 

Hotch: It's fine, Dave. Honestly she has a point 

Ally: wait u weren't supposed to agree with me, ur supposed to be hurt, what in the sorcery is this 

Hotch: I know in the long run you don't mean it, Ally. That's why I don't care what you say. 

Ally: u don't know me 

Hotch: Actually I do. You've got this personality thing going on to hide how you're really feeling on the inside: broken and angry. Someone in the past has hurt you to the point where you decide you needed to pretend to not care and hide your emotions and use this personality in hopes nobody can tell, but I can tell, Ally. 

Ally: bro why tf r u profiling me for, this is nuts 

Derek: it's probably the only thing he has to use against u 

Elle: nah why did this get so real

Ally: ok so let me profile u agent hotchner 

Ally: ur strict because u have daddy and mommy issues. They weren't good parents to u so u try to forget about your problems by trying to live a normal life. But u end up being a workaholic instead, resulting in ur wife leaving u. then u try to track down ur first ever case at the bau by going after the reaper and that resulted in ur wife dying. then u get dumped by beth because she knew deep down inside it wasnt working so she purposely accepted a job in another continent just to get away from u, and that resulted in u being alone, and then jj and u begin doing the dirty and then she cheats on u with her ex because she thought u were in love with me and now u broke up with me because u actually r not in love with me, u just didn't want to be alone but I annoyed u to the point where u couldn't take it anymore and here u r now, alone af and right now, u r at ur breaking point, figuring out what the hell u r doing wrong

Ally: am I close 

Spencer: oh.

Tara: nah I ain't reading all that sorry babes

Emily: same lol 

Derek: u should tho she tore him a new one LMAO

Rossi: Ally...I think you need to take a break from this chat. 

Hotch: touché I guess 

Hotch: Did that make you feel better, getting that off your chest? 

Ally: actually yes lol 

Hotch: So are we good? Can we work together now? 

Ally: ya sure 

Hotch: Great. 

Ally: can u take me home tho

Derek: she wastes NO time

Ally: bitch I just need him to take me home so I can feel better 

Ally: go suck my ex's dick

Derek: damn ok lol 

Derek: spencey where u at

Spencer: I'm literally right next to you 


this chapter is longer than intended lol 

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