name changed to bau

Hotch: let's leave it this name, please. 

Ally: booo u whore

Hotch: how am I a whore?

Derek: I agree with Hotch, no more changing the gc name please 

Hotch: also I made it so that nobody has access to changing the name or anything else that might piss someone off

Emily: :( ur no fun

Ally: ur a whore bc u just are 

Spencer: ally why did you block me from the other gc?

Emily: what other gc?

Ally: because ur a whore just like all the other men in the world

Derek: uh except for me right??

Hotch: and me I hope. 

Derek: and why did u block pretty boy?

Ally: he cheated on me with u u dumb fuck.

Tara: WHAT

Garcia: :O choco thunder please say it's not so

Hotch: I'm with Tara tbh I'm shocked

Derek: wait I can explain


Ally: there's nothing to explain, ur a fucking hoe. Elle was right about u 

Spencer: Ally please let us explain

Hotch: alright starting immediately I'm putting the fraternalization rules back into place. 


Rossi: doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form.

Ally: shut the hell up you dinosaur 


Hotch: I'm sorry JJ 

Tara: wait emily and I can't break up, we moved in together!!

Emily: hotchner if u dare to put those rules back, u will regret it

Hotch: is that a threat?


Spencer: alright enough everyone. Ally, I'm really sorry I went behind your back and slept with Derek. If you don't want me back, that's fine, I'll accept it. You don't have to forgive me either. Take as much time as you need to. Derek, what you and I did was just a one time thing and it didn't mean anything. I'm in love with Ally still, and she'll always have a place in my heart. Can we still be friends? 

Spencer: Elle idk if you hate me or not, but if you do, then I'm sorry. Derek and I slept together after you guys broke up but I still feel guilty about it 

Elle: why derek spence??? was ally not enough for u?

Spencer: not that this excuses my actions, but I needed someone to vent to, and derek was there. One thing led to another and we slept together. 

Ally: instead of venting to someone, u could have still came to me even tho we were arguing

Ally: i might be a bitch sometimes but i'm not a terrible person

Spencer: I never said you were. Ally you're my favorite person besides my mom. 

Derek: ally I'm sorry too ok? like spencer says, it was just a one time meaningless fling

Ally: idk if I'm going to forgive either one of u any time soon

Spencer: if you need time, then take it. I'll be here when you want to talk. 

Elle: so does my feelings about all this not count?

Derek: not really. u and i were broken up so

Ally: of course ur feelings count, elle belle. don't listen to derek, he's an asshole. 

Tara: was this...almost a normal conversation?

JJ: hotch do u really want to put those rules back in place? 

Hotch: well if the team isn't going to get along because of their drama then yes. 

JJ: well what if I told u i'm pregnant

Hotch: ....


Emily: wait hold up-

Ally: omg JJ r u fr fr??

Derek: no way !!!

Spencer: JJ is this true? 

Rossi: who's the father?


Hotch: JJ are you being for real? 

JJ: I said what if I told u. It wasn't a confirmation guys

Garcia: oh

Ally: jj ily but that made me sad. I wanted lil baby jjs running around this place 

JJ: lol jk I really am pregnant 

Spencer: I am so confused

Rossi: Aaron you ok?

Derek: hotchy boy, u good?

Tara: lol he looks like he's going to faint 

Tara: and he did 


sorry for all the drama, it's going to calm down soon 

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