bau a few months later lol 

Derek: JJ u blew up big time

Emily: that is a random ass thing to say in a gc hello??

Ally: r u calling her fat

Derek: no I'm just saying she looks good

Ally: ok bc i was about to beat ur ass 

JJ: of course I blew up moron, I'm 5 months pregnant 

Rossi: Derek what did I tell you about talking about JJ's belly?

Derek: to not do it :(

Rossi: thank you

Spencer: How are Henry and Michael feeling about being big brothers?

JJ: Henry is happy, he hopes he gets a sister

JJ: Michael is a bit too young to understand but he seems to be content with it 

Ally: jj I hope u have a girl

Emily: me too, we have too many boys in the bau 

JJ: fr fr 

Hotch: I would love to have a girl. 

Tara: omg a girl would be great!! 

Ally: now I want a baby :(

Spencer: if you forgave me and take me back, maybe we can but not now obviously 

Derek: fr ally it's been almost 5 months, pls forgive us now

Ally: ...

Garcia: JJ who do you plan on making the godparents of your little one??? me I hope :))

JJ: lmao Penny ur already a godmother to Henry 

JJ: ily tho

Emily: she better pick me, I'd be the fun godmother

JJ: ur not really in consideration just for that reason em 

Emily: well then

Ally: I've never been a godmother or even aunt for that matter, js

JJ: hm

Elle: what about me


Elle: why wouldn't I be?

Tara: idk the whole derek and u breaking up thing plus the reid scandal 

Ally: fr u legit quit the team

Hotch: I hired her back

Ally: I wanna kiss u but I don't think jj would like that much

JJ: I'll allow it once

Spencer: ...

Ally: fr fr?

Derek: oh lmao

Hotch: JJ...

JJ: lol jk 

Ally: damn I wanna kiss someone

Spencer: how about me?

Ally: no

Derek: me?

Ally: ew no


Elle: ok me?

Ally: lol pucker up

Derek: that's hot

Rossi: Derek...

Derek: Rossi ur not my daddy leave me alone

Derek: unless u wanna be...

Rossi: I am good but thanks for the offer

JJ: he's too busy fucking strauss derek u know this

Derek: oh right 

JJ: anyway aaron and I have to go to my doctor appointment later bitches 

Emily: bye bitch 

Emily: lol this is fun


I was going to add more to this chapter but I think this is a good place to stop lol 

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