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Elijah's POV

She had no idea I saw her climb out of her window and jump to the ground. She had no idea I watched her jog down the street.

I've never met anyone like her—so moody, easily annoyed, and distant. I was curious. Why was she sneaking out at 11 at night? I got out of my vehicle, keeping a close eye on her and maintaining a steady, quiet pace.

Elodie's POV

I had no idea what I was doing or why I was going to his apartment. I guess we'll see what happens. Although I was angry, hurting people was never my thing. But depending on his words and actions, I just might.

Elodie: Mwen pa ka tann wè chen an

Translation: I can't wait to see the bitch

Elodie: Li pa ka renmen w jan mwen renmen w, Daniel. Li pa janm ka fè w plezi jan mwen fè w plezi

Translation: She can't love you the way I love you, Daniel. She could never please you the way I please you

Elodie: Mwen ta fè anyen pou ou, pa vre?

Translation: I'd do anything for you, would she?

Elijah's POV

I squinted, feeling terribly confused. Elodie seemed to be having a full-on conversation with someone, but no one was there. Maybe she was on a call? I inched closer, catching bits and pieces of her sentences.

It seemed Elodie was in an incredibly toxic relationship. This morning, she unblocked someone—probably this Daniel she was talking to. I never thought she'd be one to take shit from anybody, but here she was, dealing with someone who clearly didn't love her.

Then I saw Elodie stoop down, grabbing a couple of rocks before crossing the road. What the fuck?

Elodie's POV

The more I thought about the entire situation, the more I talked to myself about the shit that was going on, the angrier I got. Why the fuck would he play with me like that? Like I'm some kind of puppet, like a doll? I'll fucking show that bastard.

With the rocks in hand, I briskly crossed the road. Low and behold, the bitch was here, waiting outside the apartment complex. My heart raced, adrenaline filling me as I started making my way toward her.

Before I could get any closer, a hand latched onto my wrist, making me freeze.

Daniel: What the fuck are you doing?

I instantly pulled my hand away from his and turned to face him.

I stood before Daniel, my entire body vibrating with a fury I could barely contain. The words I wanted to hurl at him were stuck in my throat, suffocated by the sheer intensity of my rage. Without thinking, I lunged at him, my hands finding their way to the few bits of hair on his head. I yanked them as hard as I could, watching with satisfaction as his face turned an alarming shade of red. His eyes met mine, but all I could see was betrayal and deceit. A wave of disgust surged through me, and I spat in his face.

I released my grip, only for my fists to take over, pounding his chest with a force that seemed to come from the depths of my shattered heart. Each blow was a release of the pain he had inflicted on me, my knuckles crashing against his body, some strikes finding their mark on his cheek. My anger was a living thing, consuming me, driving me to hit him again and again. I wanted him to feel even a fraction of the hurt I was drowning in. Tears of rage and pain blurred my vision, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. All I felt was the betrayal, the anger, and the overwhelming need to make him understand the depths of my suffering.

Daniel pulled me to a corner, grabbing both my fists tightly and pulling me to his body.

Elodie: Let me go!

I yelled, trying to pull away from his strong grip.

Daniel: What are you doing here, Elodie?

Elodie: Don't want your girlfriend to see me?

He smirked at my question.

Daniel: That's why you're mad? Because of Aaliyah?

Elodie: You're so full of shit.

Daniel: Give me a break, Elodie. I made it clear, we're done.

Elodie: No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!

I screamed with utter anger, stomping my feet like a toddler. This shocked Daniel, causing him to cover my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand as hard as I could, tasting his blood on my tongue.

Daniel: Fuck!

While he was distracted, I pulled away and started making my way to the girl. I could hear his footsteps behind me, which made me quicken mine. However Daniel had reached me. His large hand latched onto my hair and pulled me back to the corner we were previously. His eyes were filled with fury, not as much as mine.

Elodie: I hate you

Daniel: Yeah? Then leave me the fuck alone cause I hate you too

Grief embraced my heart in a tight, warm hug as soon as the words left his mouth. Daniel seemed pleased with himself. Pleased that he had gotten me to stop. He brushed past me, leaving me teary eyed and more heartbroken than I already was.

I swallowed the gloomy feeling, instead rage surged through me. I straightened up, my vision red with fury, ready to tear into him, but then I felt strong arms encircle my waist, pulling me back. Fucking Elijah. He held me tight, his grip like a vice. I writhed and clawed at his arms, desperate to break free, but it was useless. Daniel and his smug new girlfriend took their chance to disappear, leaving me behind, seething and helpless.

Hot, angry tears poured down my cheeks, blurring my vision as I descended into a breakdown. The frustration and rage were too much to contain. I pounded my fists against my head, each impact a desperate attempt to quell the storm inside me. My fingers dug into my hair, pulling so hard that my scalp screamed in pain. I bit down on my own arm, the sharp sting of my teeth breaking the skin, blood welling up from the punctures. The pain was a brief distraction from the chaos within, but it wasn't enough.

Elijah, clearly at a loss, stood by, his face a mask of helplessness. He eventually decided to just walk us home, his hand a gentle yet firm presence on my shoulder, trying to anchor me as I felt myself unraveling with every step. I could feel my sanity slipping, my thoughts spiraling into a dark, chaotic abyss.

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