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The front door suddenly crashes open, and two police officers rush into the bedroom, guns drawn. but I don't care. I feel drained, utterly spent. One of the officers, a tall man with a stern face, takes charge.

Officer: Hands in the air! Step away from the body!

He continues, his eyes locked on mine. I comply without a word, tears streaming down my face, not out of regret but sheer exhaustion. His partner, a shorter, stockier officer, swiftly moves in and cuffs my hands behind my back.

Officer: You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Daniel Hamilton. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand?

He recites mechanically. I nod, feeling the cold metal of the handcuffs bite into my wrists.

Elodie: Yes

I whisper, my voice barely audible. They led me to the couch and sat me down. The taller officer stays with me while the other one checks on Daniel, calling in the incident. I barely register his words.

Officer: We've got an assault at 456 Maple Street. Suspect in custody, need medical assistance and backup.

He says into his radio. The shorter officer turns to me, his expression softer but still professional.

Officer:  What's your name?

He asks.

Elodie: Elodie Beauvais

I reply, my voice flat, devoid of emotion. I feel detached, as if watching everything from a distance.

Officer: Elodie, we need you to stay calm and tell us what happened here.

He presses gently. I stare at the floor, my mind replaying the events of the night.

Elodie: We were arguing. It's not the first time he hit me, but this time was different.

The taller officer joins the conversation, his tone more measured

Officer: Did he attack you tonight?

I nod, my throat tight.

Elodie: He did. There aren't any witnesses, but I have bruises, marks.

Officer: We'll get you checked out by a medic, and we'll document any injuries, But for now, we need a clear statement from you. Start from the beginning, Elodie. What happened tonight?

I take a deep irritated breath

Elodie: We spent the night together and when I woke up, he was yelling at me to leave. He kept on yelling, so I got up from the bed and we argued about his Fiancé, Aaliyah. I think she was on her way here, so he was rushing me to leave. Anyways, I was angry so I broke his phone and then he hit me. I was crying and he was like "Don't fucking cry" I apologized over and over again and then he dragged me to the bed and raped me. He told me "I'll give you five minutes to leave''. He left the bedroom, so I grabbed his gun and shot him.

Officer: Okay, Elodie, We'll need to take you to the station for further questioning. We'll get you medical attention and document your injuries. Right now, it's important to stay calm and cooperate.

I nod, feeling nothing but exhaustion. As they gently lead me out of the apartment, the sound of sirens growing louder as backup arrives, I feel a strange sense of peace. I don't care about being arrested. I'm finally free from him, and right now, that's all that matters.

The police car's sirens wail, a constant reminder of my reality as I sit in the backseat, my wrists aching from the handcuffs. I stare out the window, the city lights blurring into a stream of neon.

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