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It's safe to say, I could never be cupid. Elijah made it clear he wanted nothing to do with Penn and Penn's telling me to give it up. Speaking of Penn, she ended up leaving midway through painting, leaving Eli and I alone.

I could see him visibly relax after she was gone, making me smirk.

Elodie: You good now?

Elijah: I think I need some weed

Elodie: I think I do too. Meet you in your room in 10? Never mind 20? I need to shower

Elijah: Yeah, we can finish painting tomorrow

I nod, standing from the wooden stool and trailing behind him out of the room. In no time I was done with my bath and was now smearing lotion all over my body, before putting on short, gray tights and a cropped gray vest.

I entered Eli's room without knocking and instantly found him lying on the bed, rolling a blunt. I carelessly threw my body onto the bed, lying on my tummy and observing him carefully roll the blunt.

Elodie: Can I do the other one?

He immediately shook his head

Elijah: Uh Uh

I kiss my teeth, resting my head into my palms until the bitch was done rolling.

Elijah: Here

I could feel the spirit inside me dancing with joy as Elijah handed me the joint. Fuck, I need this. I sat up, fingers brushing against his as I took the joint from him, anticipation curling in my stomach. It was a small gesture, him lighting it for me, but it almost felt intimate.

As the flame touched the tip, I brought the joint to my lips and inhaled deeply. The smoke filled my lungs, warm and heavy, before I exhaled slowly, letting it swirl around us in a hazy cloud. Almost instantly, I felt the tension in my body start to melt away, the weight of the day's thoughts lifting, like fog burning off in the morning sun.

Elodie: Shit

The first hit was always the best. It was like the world slowed down for a moment, every worry, every lingering thought drifting away in the smoke. I took another drag, deeper this time, feeling the rush of lightness spread through me. My muscles relaxed, my mind quieted, and for the first time all day, I felt something close to peace.

Elijah: It's good?

Elodie: Fuck yes


As Elodie's eyes grew as red as they could, her high taking her to the top of the world, she felt an irresistible urge to be close to Elijah. Without thinking, she lay her head on his bare chest, the warmth of his skin seeping into her cheek. The steady rise and fall of his breath beneath her ear was like a lullaby, soothing her in a way she hadn't felt in a long time.

She didn't think about what it meant, didn't worry about crossing any lines. In that moment, it was just about being close to someone who made her feel safe, who didn't ask for anything more than she could give. The words started spilling from her lips before she even realized she was speaking, her voice soft and a little slurred from the weed.

Elodie: I miss my family

she admitted, the words slipping out like a confession she'd been holding onto for too long.

Elijah's arms tightened around her, pulling her closer as if he could shield her from the pain those words carried. He felt her body shudder against his, her silent tears soaking into his skin, and it broke something inside him to see her like this—to hear her finally say what he knew had been haunting her.

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