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Elodie sat under the large oak tree, the soft rustle of leaves above her creating a soothing backdrop. She reviewed Elijah's answers with a critical eye, making minor corrections here and there. Elijah had done a good job overall, but there were a few equations that needed fine-tuning.

As she made her final adjustments, she noticed Penn approaching and taking a seat next to her on the grass. Penn held a pink folder and looked at Elodie with a curious expression.

Penn: You never do your homework right before it's due. Everything okay?

Penn asked, her tone laced with concern. Elodie looked up from her paper and offered a reassuring smile.

Elodie: Everything's fine. I'm just checking it over. Wassup with you?

She replied, her gaze briefly meeting Penn's before she returned to her work, adjusting an equation.

Penn: Nothing much

Penn said with a casual shrug.

Penn: I know we've both been busy lately, but I was hoping we could hang out this weekend. Maybe Saturday?

Elodie felt a twinge of regret as she turned to Penn, her smile faltering slightly.

Elodie: I can't. Layla's birthday party is on Saturday, and everyone from the church is invited.

Penn's face fell a bit.

Penn: Oh. Can't I come?

Elodie shook her head, feeling a pang of guilt.

Elodie: I can ask. I'm sure Layla wouldn't mind. I'll let you know.

Penn: Thanks

Penn replied, resting her head gently on Elodie's shoulder.

Penn: I just miss you, that's all.

Elodie wrapped her arm around Penn's shoulders, giving her a comforting squeeze.

Elodie: I miss you too, Penn. I think we should start scheduling bestie dates.

Penn looked up, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

Penn: I think we should, actually.

She studied Elodie's face for a moment, a smile slowly spreading across her own.

Penn: You're glowing, El

She said, a note of awe in her voice.

Penn: Did you change something in your skincare?

Elodie smiled softly and shook her head.

Elodie: I think life has just been good to me lately. Everything feels perfect. I'm genuinely happy.

Penn's eyes sparkled with happiness as she gave Elodie a bear hug.

Penn: I'm so happy for you. You deserve everything good in this world.

Elodie hugged Penn back, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through her. She felt grateful for her friend's support and the genuine joy that seemed to fill her life recently. Despite the challenges, the small victories and moments of connection made everything seem right. As they sat there together, under the shade of the tree, Elodie felt a deep sense of contentment and belonging.

Elodie was back at home, enjoying an unusually quiet day. With no assignments, tests, or quizzes looming over her, she decided to immerse herself in painting. She'd been working on a piece since her first date with Elijah, determined to make it perfect. "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran played softly in the background, It was that kind of day. Charlie, her chubby and perpetually sleepy cat, was nestled comfortably at her feet, lost in dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01 ⏰

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