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After Elijah had dropped me off at Bible study, a feeling of dread settled in my stomach. Bible study wasn't my thing. For one, I had to sit and interact with people I didn't know and for two, I didn't understand the scriptures. It all sounded like gibberish to me.

Vivienne: Elodie!! Heyy

She yelled excitedly, making me slump

Elodie: Hello

Vivienne: Come in, we have snacks

I enter the house, holding the bible to my chest and looking around.

Vivienne: You looked so cute at church today, I was gonna tell you but you left with Elijah

Elodie: Yeah, we had to pick up lunch

Vivienne: Oh okay. Excited for today's session?

I nod, sending her a fake smile. Deep down, I was dying.

Vivienne: Good. I was almost worried you wouldn't show up. You didn't respond to my texts.

Elodie: Oh, I don't have one. It broke

Vivienne: Ohhhh, damn. Anyways, we have like five minutes left before starting and I wanted you to lead us in prayer

I immediately shake my head

Elodie: I can't

Vivienne: What? Why not?

Elodie: I don't know how to

Vivienne: It's very easy, but if you aren't comfortable I respect that. Come prepared next Sunday tho

I nod, cursing her in my mind. Soon, everyone was present and Vivienne led us in an opening prayer.

Vivienne: Okay, so I have something fun planned for us today. Each and everyone of us will select a verse from the bible that I've written down and reflect on what it means to you or how it applies to your life. Now this is an interactive lesson, If you have questions, ask it, If you have opinions, tell it. Capito?

A few of the members responded "Capito", causing Vivienne to smile brightly.

Vivienne: I'll go first, to demonstrate, then Elodie and so on. Okay

She said dipping her hands into the bag and pulling out a small piece of paper.

Vivienne: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." and the question asks, "How does God's word guide you in your daily life?"

Vivienne put down the piece of paper, thinking of her response.

Vivienne: Sometimes life can feel overwhelming, like I'm walking through a dark tunnel, not sure where to go next. When I spend time reading Scripture, it feels like I'm getting directions straight from God. It helps me make choices that align with His plan for my life, even when things seem confusing. It's like God is saying, "Don't worry, I'm guiding you." And that makes me feel so much closer to Him, knowing that He's always with me, showing me the way.

She said, almost looking dazed at the thought of God. I wondered how it felt to love someone, you've never seen a day in your life. How it feels to trust and put faith in someone that isn't physically there. I couldn't see myself doing it, but I admired the people who did.

Vivienne: Anyone else?

A girl confidently raised her hand. She had chocolate dark skin, with plump cherry lips, dark green eyes and hair out in a fro. She looked almost like Tiana from the Disney movie.

Vivienne: Yes, Delila

Delila: I agree with you. Um, I've been through a lot in my life. I'm sure many of you know, I was raped last year and uh it was pretty hard. I fell into a dark space, I blamed myself. Maybe if I wasn't wearing those shorts. Maybe if I didn't drink so much. I felt ashamed. I actually didn't tell anyone about it until this year. I was just so tired. All I wanted was to find peace within myself and that's when I met Viv. She taught me love through Jesus Christ. Reading the scriptures and speaking to God really helped me pull myself out of that dark space. He's the shoulder I lean on, He's the first person I go to when I feel myself going back to that dark space and I want other people who've gone through what I've gone through or worse to find that peace and comfort in him as well.

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