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Church was enjoyable today, which is something I don't often say. There's usually a part of me that zones out halfway through the service, but not this time. The music was alive, more than I remembered. The choir's warm, powerful voices filled the air, each note vibrating through my chest like a pulse. It was impossible to stay still. My skin prickled with goosebumps, and shivers chased down my spine in waves. The energy was contagious, seeping into every corner of the room.

I hadn't noticed the Sunday before, but Elijah was tucked away in the corner, behind the drum set. His hands moved like they were part of the music itself, every beat falling perfectly into place, like he wasn't just playing the rhythm but creating it. How had I missed him last Sunday? Maybe I'd been too caught up in my thoughts, but now, it was impossible to look away.

I couldn't stop my eyes from darting in his direction, watching the way he played. He would be perfect for Penn. I could see it already, the two of them together, finding comfort in each other. I'd make 'them' happen if my life depended on it.

Alright, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but I want Penn to be happy. She deserves it, and if I can help make that happen, then why wouldn't I?

Elijah and I were on our way to Panda Express, since Kristen didn't feel like cooking. Honestly, I was happy about it. I couldn't remember the last time I'd left the house for anything other than school.

Elijah: Are you okay?

Elodie: Yeah, why?

Elijah shrugged

Elijah: It's the first time I've seen you smile, I was a bit scared

I scoff, my eyes darting to him.

Elodie: And now you've ruined it

Elijah: Me? How?

Elodie: You yap a lot, you know that?

Elijah: You're the only one I yap to

Elodie: Yay me

I say, faking excitement

Elodie: You know who else likes to yap?

He raised a brow, side eying me

Elodie: Penn. Y'all can yap together

Elijah scrunched up his nose, before shaking his head, a small but confused smile masking his face.

Elijah: I don't want to yap with Penn.

Elodie: And you want to yap to me? You just like annoying me, don't you?

Elijah: Like? I love it

Elodie: Penn likes annoying me

I say, turning to him fully.




Elodie: Nothing to say to that?

Elijah: No, but I am confused

Elodie: About what?

Elijah: About why you keep bringing her up

I shrug, looking down at my nails

Elodie: She's an amazing person. Why wouldn't I bring her up?

Elijah looked at me for a split second, before turning back to the road

Elijah: What if I don't want to hear about her

I sigh dramatically, turning away from him

Elodie: Then what do you want to hear about?

Elijah: You

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