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Church. Church....Church.....?

In all my seventeen years of life, I had never been to or even thought of going to church. I knew I was baptized as a baby, but my parents had never enforced Religion in our household. So as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I figured I looked weird. Not because of the scratches on my cheek or the lump on my forehead or the black eye I had received or my busted lip, I had gotten used to it. It was because of the outfit that Kristen bought for me.

Maybe she was punishing me, because this outfit was not it. I'm sure Christian women were more fashionable than this. At least, my hair and makeup looked cute, hopefully it canceled out the horrifying purple dress. 

Kristen: You look beautiful

Elodie: Thank you

Kristen: Gabe! We're ready

Gabriel descended down the stairs, hands on his tie as he perfected it.

Gabriel: You ladies look gorgeous

Kristen thanked him, as I looked down at the dress. Even in this?

Kristen: Come on, we'll be late

The car ride to the church was peaceful. I was kinda excited, a new experience or whatever. Life without a phone wasn't so bad or maybe it just hasn't hit me yet. It's only been one day and a couple of hours without it. I'll go insane soon enough.

I dreaded tomorrow though. I couldn't believe that they had gotten an actual therapist for me. I didn't need one. I'm perfectly capable of controlling my emotions and getting over situations. I was so deep in thought, I hadn't realized Penn walking up to us, until she yelled my name.

Penn goes to church?

She pulled me into a hug, rocking our bodies side to side, before pulling away and greeting Kristen and Gabriel.

Penn: Good morning, everyone

They immediately smiled warmly at her, greeting her as well.

Kristen: We're heading in, you guys can catch up before the ceremony starts

Kristen nodded, as they walked off.

Elodie: Since when do you go to church?

Penn: Kristen told me you were going, so I decided to tag along

Elodie: You could've asked Kristen to drive you here, we could've rode together

Penn: Elijah offered

Elodie: Elijah? Who the hell is that?

Penn looked at me with wide eyes, before laughing her ass off like I said something funny

Penn: Your brother, dumbass

Brother? That's when realization hit me

Elodie: Don't piss me off

Penn: You're unbelievable

Elodie: Why are you guys talking like that anyways

Penn: Because we get along? And he's cute

I roll my eyes

Elodie: You're trifling

She chuckled before smiling

Penn: You look cute though, I love the hair and makeup. The dress...

A small uncontrollable smile touched my lips

Elodie: Don't get me started on the dress, I think Kristen hates me

Penn: Oh shut up

She said nudging me

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