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Unfortunately, I was awake. The sun was shining brightly, birds chirping and a light wind making the trees across the street wave at me. I had been awake for a couple hours now, the house was empty, which I was very thankful for. Penn left me a note, but I hadn't read it.

My head was still pounding from last night's outburst and I must say, I was very embarrassed that Elijah saw that side of me. I breath out a small breath of air, wanting to relieve the heaviness I felt in my heart.

I crawled back into bed, pulling the covers over my body and staring up at the ceiling. I wondered why I was like this? Why I just couldn't let him go. Why the hell was I still stuck on this man when he clearly didn't want me. Why-

The door to my room suddenly opened, revealing Elijah. I instantly turned away from him, shame settling in the pit of my stomach.

Elijah: I didn't know you were awake

Elodie: ......

Elijah: How are you feeling?

I let out a deep breath, closing my eyes and ignoring him. I heard him sigh softly, before thankfully heading out. For the rest of the day, I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling and deep in thoughts.

Until Penn stood over me, a frown on her face.

Penn: Did you eat today?

I shake my head

Penn: Shower?

I huff, turning my back to her

Penn: Come on. Let's go take a shower

When I made no move to get up, she spoke up again

Penn: If you take a shower, we'll get chipotle

I rolled my eyes, a groan leaving my lips as I left the comfort of the bed.

Elodie: Promise?

Penn smiled brightly

Penn: Promise

Penn helped me get ready. After showering and brushing my teeth and tongue, she decided to do my skincare as I was too lazy to do it. Then she went on to my hair, while I rushed my makeup.

Penn: You're too pretty to rot in bed

Elodie: Thank you

I whispered, still not in the mood to speak to anyone.

Penn: I'll let you get dressed

I nodded as she left the room, then began searching the closet for something pretty. To match my hairstyle. Penn did a half up half down style and I loved it.

When I arrived downstairs to meet Penn, I was greeted by shy laughter mixed with the off-putting sight of Penn and Elijah way too close to each other.

Penn spotted me and the smile playing on her lips got bigger.

Penn: El, Elijah offered to drive us.

The scowl on my face definitely got deeper at the sound of that. I was angry. I couldn't stand Elijah. He was always around. It wasn't a coincidence. He was just an annoyingly nosy person, and it irritated me.

I didn't answer, instead, I walked past them to the car and got in. I folded my arms across my chest and leaned back, as they entered the vehicle as well.

The drive was quiet, thankfully so. If Penn and Elijah were flirting each other's pants off, I'd maybe go insane. In no time, we arrived and entered the restaurant.

Penn: You can go sit Elodie, I'll order for you

Elijah: I'll go with her

Here the fuck we go

Penn: What about your order

Elijah: I'm not hungry

Penn nodded and responded with an 'Okay' as we left to find an empty seat. As we sat in silence, I pretended to not notice Elijah's unwavering eyes on me. But it began frustrating me, especially since Penn was nowhere near placing our orders.

Elodie: What the fuck is your problem?

Elijah: Nothing

Elodie: Then why are you staring at me

Elijah: You look pretty

He said with a shrug. It made my heart flutter in surprise, making me return to my silence. His words made me more irritated than before.

Elodie: Doesn't mean you have to stare

Elijah: I'll stare at what I want with my eyes, El

Elodie: Don't call me that. We're not friends

Elijah: I don't want to be your friend

I scoff

Elodie: Fine with me

Elijah: Good

Elodie: Great

Elijah: Amazing

Elodie: Perfect

Elijah: Lovely-

Elodie: Shut up. You're annoying

Elijah: I'm annoying?

Elodie: Very

Elijah: You know, this isn't how you thank someone who helped you

I roll my eyes

Elodie: Want some flowers? I didn't ask for your help

Elijah: You didn't have to

Elodie: That's your problem Elijah. You interfere with things that have nothing to do with you. It's frustrating

Elijah: So I should've just let you assault the senator's son

I sat up straight at that, my anger rising

Elodie: I would never do that, dickhead

Elijah: So what the fuck were you going to do?

Elodie: See? That's none of your business, Elijah

Elijah's eyes hardened at my words. He leaned back into his chair, watching me intently. At that moment, Penn came back with our food.

Penn: Everything okay?

Neither one of us responded, making Penn's smile drop.

Penn: Are we eating here or

Elijah: I have somewhere to be, so I can drive you home now

Elodie: That's not necessary. We can take an uber. Go do whatever it is you have to do

Penn: Uh Elo-

Elodie: No, Elijah has somewhere to be and I want to eat here

Penn: Okay, We'll see you later Eli

Elodie: Byee

I send him a tight lipped smile

Elijah: See you later penn

As soon as he left, my smile dropped and a scowl replaced it.

Elodie: Do you actually like him?

Penn: Yes and you're being rude

Elodie: You could do better

Penn raised an eyebrow, her mouth opening like she was about to say something. But then she closed it. Hm

Elodie: You can say it

Penn shook her head, sending me a look of sympathy

Penn: Thank you for looking out for me, but I think I have it under control El

I nod

Elodie: He just rubs me the wrong way

Penn chuckled

Penn: Try not to make it so obvious next time

Elodie: I don't know if I can

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