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Elijah pulled up in front of the house, cutting the engine. The silence in the car was thick, broken only by the sound of the engine cooling down. Elodie stared out of the window, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Elijah's hand was still resting on her thigh, his fingers absentmindedly tracing small circles on her skin. Normally, the touch would make her feel grounded, safe even, but today it felt like a weight.

Elijah: What's on your mind?

Elodie took a deep breath, still staring ahead. She didn't know how to answer him. Should she tell him she was torn about Penn? That the guilt was eating her alive, even though a part of her didn't regret anything that had happened between them?

Elodie: I'm just... thinking.

Elijah shifted slightly, turning his head toward her, his dark eyes scanning her face. He could always read her too well, but this time she wasn't sure if she wanted him to see everything she was feeling.

Elijah: About what?

Elodie swallowed hard, her throat dry. How was she supposed to tell him that she was drowning in guilt? How could she tell him that, even though she wanted him—really wanted him—she couldn't stop thinking about what it would do to Penn?

Elodie: Penn

She finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. Elijah sighed, his hand squeezing her thigh gently before pulling away.

Elijah: I ended it

Elodie bit her lip, her mind spinning. She couldn't explain the gnawing feeling inside her—the fear that if she chose Elijah, she would lose Penn, and maybe a part of herself too.

Elijah leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear, his voice low and intense.

Elijah: I want you, El. I'm not playing games.

As soon as those words left Elijah's mouth, a sudden noise drew Elodie's attention. Penn emerged from the house, heading straight for the car. Confusion set in, quickly morphing into panic as the reality of the situation struck her- Penn must have seen the way Elijah had whispered against her ear.

Elodie exited the vehicle immediately, Elijah doing the same. Penn's bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks indicated how much she had been crying, and that broke Elodie's heart. Penn's angry glare was directed towards Elijah, her expression a stormy mix of rage and betrayal.

Penn: You're such a fucking coward!

Penn spat.

Penn: Instead of ending it face to face, like a man, you do it in a text?!

She stepped closer to him, her voice shaky but deafening, filled with raw emotion.

Penn: I'm so fucking stupid! You led me on, and I let you, bitch ass nigga!

Before she could take another step towards Elijah, Elodie stepped in between them, grabbing Penn's face and blocking her sight from Elijah's piercing stare.

Elodie: Calm down, Penn. The neighbors.

Penn pulled away from Elodie's grasp, a mocking laugh escaping her lips.

Penn: I don't give a fuck about neighbors, Elodie. Whose side are you on anyway?! This bitch just played me like a fucking clown! And you're telling me to calm down?

She yelled, causing Elijah to scoff, a smug grin lighting his face.

Elijah: Ladies should be seen and not heard

He teased, making Elodie give him a stern look.

Elodie: Get inside, Elijah. You're making things worse

She commanded, her voice firm. Elijah compiled without murmuring another word, leaving Penn and Elodie alone in the heat of the moment.

As soon as the door closed, Penn's tough facade crumbled. She sank down onto the pavement, her knees buckling as she cried on Elodie's shoulder, feeling like a fool for trusting Elijah.

Elodie held Penn tightly as her best friend sobbed into her shoulder, feeling every tremble and shake of Penn's body as her world seemed to crumble. Elodie's heart ached—this wasn't how things were supposed to go. She hadn't meant for any of this to happen. The knot in her stomach tightened as she whispered soft reassurances, stroking Penn's hair and trying to hold back her own tears.

Penn: I hate him, El... I'm so dumb.

Elodie swallowed hard, her chest constricting at the weight of those words. She knew this moment would come, but she never imagined it would happen like this—so raw, so public, and with so much pain. And worse, Elijah wasn't blameless, and neither was she.

Elodie: You're not dumb, Penn. You're not. You're just hurt.

Penn cried harder, her hands clutching onto Elodie like she was the only thing keeping her from falling apart completely. Elodie rocked her gently, her mind racing. How could she comfort her best friend knowing she was the reason Penn's heart was breaking even more?

Elodie: It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.

The words felt hollow, empty, but Elodie didn't know what else to say. She couldn't bring herself to tell Penn the truth, not now—not while she was so broken. She couldn't hurt her like this.

Penn: I should've seen it. I should've known...

Penn's voice cracked as she pulled back slightly, her tear-stained face searching Elodie's for answers.

Penn: Do you know why? He's your foster brother

Elodie's throat tightened, her mind screaming at her to say something—anything—that would make Penn feel better, but the guilt gnawed at her, clawing its way up her chest. She had no good answer for why Elijah had hurt her, especially when a part of the blame rested on her shoulders.

Elodie: It's not you, Penn. He's just... he's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's losing.

Penn shook her head, another wave of tears flooding her eyes as she collapsed back into Elodie's embrace. Elodie closed her eyes, holding her friend tightly and wishing she could make this all disappear. Wishing she could turn back time and undo everything that had led them here.

But it was too late.

The weight of the situation pressed down on Elodie as she stared at the house, knowing Elijah was inside. Knowing he was waiting for her. And knowing that, in this moment, she was lying to the person who had been there for her through everything.

Penn sniffled, wiping her eyes against Elodie's shoulder, her voice quieter now.

Penn: I'm sorry for yelling at you, El.

Elodie felt a sharp pang of guilt.

Elodie: Don't apologize. You have every right to be mad, Penn.

Penn slowly pulled away, wiping her face as she glanced at the house.

Penn: I should go. I can't be here anymore.

Elodie nodded, biting the inside of her cheek. She watched as Penn turned to walk toward her car, her shoulders slumped in defeat. Elodie wanted to stop her, wanted to tell her the truth, but she couldn't. Not now.

Elodie: I love you, Okay?

Penn: I love you too, El

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