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I shifted on the bed, Elijah's phone resting on my stomach as the credits of 'Shrek' rolled by. I glanced over at Elijah, who was focused on his laptop, fingers moving across the keyboard as he worked on his assignment. I couldn't help but feel the weight of everything that had happened earlier, the confrontation with Penn, her tears, the guilt gnawing at me.

I swallowed, my voice hesitant as I asked,

Elodie: Do you think she'd forgive me?

Elijah didn't look up immediately, still typing away.

Elijah: Who? Penn?

He asked, his tone nonchalant, like it wasn't the heaviest thing weighing on my chest.

Elodie: Yeah.

I sighed, staring at the ceiling. The movie had been a temporary escape, but now that it was over, reality crashed back in. I couldn't get Penn's tear-streaked face out of my head, the hurt in her eyes as she realized Elijah had ended things with her.

Elijah finally paused his typing and glanced at me, giving a small nod.

Elijah: You guys always make up, El. She'll get over it.

I shook my head, the pit in my stomach deepening as I shifted onto his lap, needing to feel close to him, needing some kind of comfort. My hands found his shoulders, and I sat facing him, the glow from his laptop casting shadows across his face.

Elodie: This is different though, Eli. We've never gone through anything like this.

His eyes softened, his hand coming to rest on my hip.

Elijah: She'll come around. It'll hurt for a while, but she'll forgive you.

I frowned, looking down. Elijah's fingers traced small circles on my skin, but his expression remained calm, almost too calm. I wanted to believe him, but the doubt in my heart wouldn't go away.

Elodie: I betrayed her.

Elijah's grip on my hip tightened slightly as he leaned in, his voice low and steady.

Elijah: You were honest about your feelings. We couldn't keep pretending.

I sighed, leaning into his chest, letting his warmth and scent surround me. He always made things sound so simple, but I knew the mess we were in wasn't something that could be fixed easily. Penn wasn't just any friend. She was like a sister to me. We had shared so much over the years—secrets, dreams, everything.

And now, here I was, wrapped up in her biggest heartbreak.

Elijah rested his chin on the top of my head, his fingers roaming over my back.

I closed my eyes, feeling torn between the deep pull I felt toward Elijah and the guilt that kept gnawing at me. As much as I cared about him, I couldn't ignore the fact that being with him would break my best friend's heart.

Elodie: I wish it wasn't so complicated

I murmured, my voice barely audible.

Elijah kissed the top of my head softly.

Elijah: Me too. But we'll figure it out.

I hoped he was right. But even as I lay there in his arms, the uncertainty lingered. Would Penn ever truly forgive me? And even if she did, could our friendship ever go back to the way it was?

I didn't have the answers. All I knew was that the ache in my chest wasn't going away anytime soon.

I leaned into Elijah, my cheek resting against his chest as I listened to his heartbeat, steady and strong. The warmth of his body against mine made everything feel a little less complicated, even though I knew it wasn't. My fingers played idly with the hem of his shirt, my mind still spinning with thoughts of Penn, of us, and what would happen next.

Elodie: We should keep this lowkey

I said softly, almost testing the waters with my words. I felt Elijah tense slightly beneath me, his grip on my waist still but firm. The silence hung between us for a moment, making me wonder if he'd even heard me.

Elodie: Hm?

I added, trying to gauge his reaction.

He didn't say anything at first, and that knot of anxiety tightened in my chest. I hated feeling like this—torn between two worlds. But I had to be careful. I wasn't ready to throw our situation in Penn's face, not when she was still hurting. Not yet.

Elodie: Just until she's over it

I continued, sighing softly.

Elodie: In the meantime, we can still hang out, just... not when she's around.

Elijah's body relaxed again, and I felt him pull me closer, his arms wrapping around me with a kind of quiet understanding that made my heart ache.

Elijah: Yeah, I understand

He finally said, his voice low and steady. I kissed his chest softly, feeling a wave of relief wash over me.

Elodie: Thank you.

A short silence passed between us, his hands now running up and down my body in a slow, soothing motion. For a moment, I let myself get lost in the sensation, feeling content in his arms. Everything else could wait, even just for a little while.

Elodie: When are we going to the basketball court?

I asked suddenly, breaking the stillness. I could feel his chest rumble with a soft chuckle.

Elijah: You were serious about that?

He asked, amusement in his voice.

Elodie: Of course I was

I replied, a small smile creeping onto my face as I snuggled closer to him.

Elodie: 1 v 1?

Elijah laughed, his hand slipping down to rest on my hip.

Elijah: I'll set it up

It was in moments like this, when it was just us and no one else, that things felt easy. Natural. Fuck that Film assignment. 

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