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It was a quiet Tuesday afternoon, and the atmosphere in Elodie's room was calm, almost serene. She lay on her bed, her Bible resting in her lap, eyes gliding over the words on the page. Elijah was beside her, leaning back against the headboard with her math assignment in hand, casually working through the algebra problems.

Elodie couldn't help but smile as she peeked at him from the corner of her eye. It wasn't like she couldn't handle the assignment herself—math was one of her favorite subjects, and algebra, in particular, had always come easily to her. But Elijah had snatched the paper from her hands the moment she sat down to start working on it, insisting he'd take care of it. She thought it was sweet, endearing even, watching him concentrate, his brows furrowing slightly every time he paused to think through a question.

She hadn't asked him to do it, but it warmed her heart to see him so invested in something as mundane as her homework. It was moments like these that reminded her of the quiet, simple ways he showed he cared. Still, she hoped for his sake that every answer he was writing down was correct. Elijah was many things, but a genius? She wasn't so sure about that.

Deciding not to stare too long and make him self-conscious, Elodie turned her attention back to her Bible. One of her personal goals was to finish reading it by the end of the year, and she'd been making steady progress. The words on the page brought her a strange sense of peace, grounding her in a way little else could. Especially after everything she had gone through in her 17 years of living.

The silence between them was comfortable. Occasionally, Elijah would mutter something under his breath or scratch out an answer he didn't like, and Elodie would glance up, suppressing a laugh. But for the most part, they both stayed in their own little worlds—her in her scripture, and him in her math problems.

After a while, Elijah shifted beside her, putting the notebook down on the bedside table.

Elijah: Alright

He said, stretching his arms over his head.

Elijah: I think I'm done.

Elodie looked up from her Bible, arching an eyebrow.

Elodie: Think?

Elijah smirked, glancing at her with a playful gleam in his eyes.

Elijah: No, I know I'm done. Aced it.

She chuckled softly, closing her Bible and placing it beside her.

Elodie: You better hope so. I'm not trying to fail algebra because of you.

Elijah: You won't

He said confidently, leaning in to press a kiss to her temple.

Elijah: You can thank me later when you get an A.

Elodie rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile tugging at her lips. Moments like this, when everything felt easy and light, reminded her of why she kept Elijah in her life, despite all the complications. Sure, things weren't perfect—they never were—but here, in this room, with him, she felt like maybe they could figure it all out.

Elodie: Did you at least learn something?

She teased, tilting her head to look at him.

Elijah: Of course

Elijah shot back with a grin.

Elijah: I learned that you like to make things way harder than they need to be. Who actually likes algebra?

Elodie: I do!

Elodie said with mock indignation, giving him a light shove.

Elodie: Just because you're more of a words guy doesn't mean we all hate numbers.

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