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Elodie couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face, even as she walked through the halls, completely aware of the confused stares from her classmates. It wasn't like her to be this cheerful on a Monday. In fact, most people knew how much she despised Mondays—mornings were a drag, classes were dull, and the start of the week always seemed to hit her like a brick. So naturally, everyone was wondering what could possibly have her this happy.

If they guessed "Canceled therapy session," they'd be very much correct.

She had no idea how Elijah managed to convince Kristen to cancel it, but Elodie didn't care. She was grateful. Therapy sessions were always hard for her—digging into her past, facing the emotions she tried so hard to push down. It usually left her drained for days, feeling like she was sinking into the weight of her own thoughts.

But not today.

And as if the canceled session wasn't enough to brighten her mood, Elijah had agreed to play basketball with her later. A 1v1. The thought made her grin even wider. Sure, it wasn't Steph Curry—her literal dream husband—but Elijah was close enough. Besides, the idea of running around on the court, trash-talking and having fun with him, was enough to make her Monday feel like a Friday.

As soon as she got home from school, she didn't waste any time. She showered, scrubbed her skin until it felt refreshed, did her usual oral care routine, and put her braids up in a tight bun. She wanted to be ready for whatever Elijah threw her way, and the last thing she needed was her hair getting in her face when she was going in for a layup.

She pulled on something comfy—a loose t-shirt and shorts that would allow her to move freely. She glanced at herself in the mirror, smirking a little at the reflection staring back at her. There was a certain lightness to her that she hadn't felt in a while. Maybe it was because she was finally doing something for herself, something that made her happy. And maybe, just maybe, it had a little something to do with the fact that Elijah was going to be there.

Elodie: Ready to get your ass beat?

Elijah: Whatever, get that ass in the car

She rolled her eyes, but nonetheless, complied.

From the start, Elodie was relentless. She fouled Elijah any chance she got—grabbing at his shirt, pushing him out of the way to snag a rebound, or even holding onto his arm as he went up for a layup. She'd laugh in his face afterward, the sound of her teasing ringing out as she sprinted down to the other end of the court for an easy bucket or a smooth deep two-pointer. Playing dirty was her only real chance of keeping up with Elijah, and she knew it.

But despite her antics, Elijah still led the game. That fact alone was driving her nuts. He'd dunk on her like it was nothing, blocking her shots with ease whenever she thought she had an open layup, and then he'd boast about it afterward with that cocky grin plastered on his face. And when it came to getting offensive boards, there was no competition—he was bigger, stronger, and taller, always snatching the ball away before she had a chance.

It didn't help that he was playing with an annoying confidence that made her grit her teeth. He knew he was better, but that didn't stop him from laughing along with her every time she played dirty. In her mind, it was the only way to survive this game. After all, a win's a win, even if she had to cheat a little to get it.

When they finally decided to wrap up the game, Elijah could tell right away that Elodie was a sore loser. He figured he'd let her win the next time they played. She pouted, arms crossed, her expression clouded with irritation as she sat on the bench, clearly upset that she hadn't managed to pull off the win, dirty tactics and all. Elijah found it adorable, but he wasn't going to let her sulk.

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