Chapter 3: You're too famous today!

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Minutes later, they arrived at Griffith Park and Bradford opened the door for Katy. She stepped out and walked to her nearest fan, which happened to be a petite blonde girl. She held out her magazine and Katy signed it.

"You were amazing today on Ellen's Show, and that was so thoughtful of you!" She exclaimed as Katy snapped a few pictures with her. "Really, how did I do?" Katy asked signing another paper of some sort, "Amazing as usual."

"Aw you're so sweet!" Katy smiled at her before moving along to a little boy that was around the age of 5. "Hello, would you like me to sign that?" Katy asked pointing to his book, he nodded and Katy bent down. There weren't any barriers or gates this time, only a thick green line on the ground so Katy got pretty close to him.

"What's your name honey?" Katy asked handing him his book back, "David." He said smiling, "Really, that's my brother's name! Don't tell him this, but you are so much cuter than him!" Katy said smiling, making him giggle as well.

She moved along and when she got halfway she turned around to say something to Bradford, suddenly, she felt arms around her waist and she started suffocating as the arms locked onto her waist tighter.

The blood drained from her face and security guards rushed to her rescue, the moment she was free, she collapsed, but thank goodness Bradford was quick enough to scoop her up bridal style and set her into the limo.

30 minutes later...

Katy woke up and threw the ice bag off of her head, "Where am I?" She asked obviously in a bad mood, "You're resting in Griffith Park, where you got fan attacked." Bradford said leaning against a tree, "I hate them sometimes, especially the paparazzi, it's not like they're gonna die if they don't get pictures of me every single second of my life!" Katy yelled.

"That fan was sure strong, he literally squeezed the daylights out of you!" Bradford said chuckling, earning nothing but a punch from Katy. "Not cool dude, oh and was this all filmed?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"You betcha! You're probably on the news right now as I speak, goodness you worried quite some people, and they don't even know that you woke up yet."

"Then why on earth am I not in the hospital but lying here in the middle of nowhere?" Katy shrieked, "I was a doctor before smartie, I can tell, it was nothing serious like you were gonna die or something, you just fainted and he didn't even hurt you that badly."

"Oh my goodness, can we go somewhere please?" Katy begged, "Sure, let's go to the sushi bar, it's time for lunch anyways." He stood up and brushed his pants, Katy sighed before walking over to the limo. "Oh come on, don't be in a foul mood, no one wants to see Katy Perry unhappy right?" Bradford teased locking the doors.

"I'm not in a foul mood, I just never thought that a fan would try and kill me!" Katy yelled banging her head into the head rest, "Well you are really famous right now, and some people do hate you, no offense and they will take their chances." Katy was about to answer when her phone rung, "Hey John."

"Katy are you alright, I'm so glad you picked up finally!" Katy smiled at how protective and caring he was towards her, "I'm fine honey, thanks to the security guards for their alertness I didn't get squeezed to death." Katy joked.

"Yeah but fainting is close enough, I still can't believe someone would dare to do that, they obviously don't know who the heck they're messing with." He muttered, "Well they happen, I just never thought they'd try to kill me. Anyways, Bradford and I are headed to the Sushi bar, have you eaten yet?" Katy asked looking out her window.

"Nope, we're in the middle of a break from filming the music video right now, although I could really use a longer break, people these days!" He said, "Okay I have to hang up, I'm getting another call." Katy said, "Oh great, more explaining." She said before picking up, "What do you want Shannon?"

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