Chapter 23: Disneyland

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Katy's P.O.V.

Things were pretty much settled from here, I just finished my 6 month tour and when they mean world tours, they mean world tours literally. We were flying all over the world, it was amazing because I got to meet my beloved Katycats again and to be honest, I really did miss them.

Alana turned 4 a month ago and she's becoming more and more energetic each day, it's a good thing that John and I were still young, and that we could still have the energy to play with her.

Shannon comes over a lot right now since she Raising Hope just finished being filmed and the editors and doing their thing right now, so her schedule is clear for about another 2 weeks before she has to attend all the premieres and stuff, haha for her.

I'm currently on tour break right now, but I have to prepare for the Grammy's awards soon, it's pretty big and I'm going to be singing Roar! But right now, I'm just hanging out with my family and enjoying life.

"Alana get your butt down here right this minute young lady!" I yelled from the kitchen, yep, I was enjoying life, okay maybe not right this moment. "Shannon did it, whatever you supposed I did." Was the first thing that came out of her mouth when she and Shannon came into the kitchen.

I placed my hands on my hips and kept a straight face, "Who ate the entire fridge of food, or shall I say ice cream?" Of course someone had to have eaten it, "Shannon did it, bye mommy!" She darted for the living room, but I was quicker being the mother, "Not so fast sweetheart, open your mouth."

She looked at Shannon before finally opening it, just slightly. There were hints of chocolate in there, "Alana you know that you can't eat a whole carton of ice cream just like that, I bought it yesterday!" I could see Shannon slowly walking out the back door, "And you to Woodward!"

I turned around to see a mischievous smile on her face, "How many times do I have to remind you that you are 28 years old, not 4! Ugh when can you two give me a break!" I said rubbing my stomach, oh and speaking of rubbing my stomach, I'm one month pregnant! And I'll be finding out the gender in two months, can't wait!

"Out, both of you out now!" I said with a little bit of laughter in my voice as I started shooing them towards the front door. "But the tacos aren't finished!" Shannon said as I threw her her bag, I gave her the are-you-serious look before slamming the door in their faces.

"Wow, someone is having pretty bad mood swings. Honey you do know that letting them out is a very, very bad idea right?" John said massaging my shoulders, it felt so good, not only because I really needed one at the point. "How is that a bad thing, Shannon's an adult, she won't let anything happen to Alana."

"Shannon Woodward is rich, she likes food and so does Alana, put the pieces together." My eyes widened when it finally came together, "NO!!!" I screamed charging towards the door, making John laugh so hard that he had to clutch his stomach.

I opened the door and ran out, both of them were already gone, "Sweet mothers Shannon..." I mumbled going back into the house and dialing her number, I swear they are going to be the last of me one day!

K: Where on earth are you guys?

S: Outside...

K: I know you're outside, but where, as in which shop?

S: Somewhere, Alana be quiet, your mother is on the phone!

K: See this is why I regret having you take her out every time, just get back here now.

S: We're actually having a lot of fun right now, so bye!

K: You...ugh!

I slammed the phone down into the counter and plopped onto the couch, John slid his arm across my shoulder. "Where are they?" I grabbed the tv remote channel and clicked on the news, not bothering to answer his question for the first time in like forever.

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