Chapter 15: Tears

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Katy's P.O.V.

I was laying in my bed when John came into the room, with an indescribable look on his face, oh great. He closed the door and leaned against it, not taking his eyes off of me.

"John, what did she say?" I asked getting out of bed. "Uh...she didn't tell me why." He's so lying, I walked towards him and put my arms around his neck, bringing him real close to me.

"I know you're lying honey, we've been together for too long." He sighed and looked at me with with sorrow in his eyes, this made me really worried. "Promise me you won't get too upset." He said taking my hands, "I can't promise anything, but I'll try..."

"She's mad at you for leaving her that week when we were arguing, she said that if a mother really loves a child, she'll always be with them no matter how tired they are." I gasped and backed up, tears springing to my eyes immediately. "What, how could she say something like that, she's only three..." I breathed, literally not knowing how to talk.

"Katy, just give her some time, she can't stay mad at you forever right?" I know he was trying to make me feel better, but honestly, it wasn't really working at this point of my life. "She's only 3 and she knows this kind of stuff, where did she learn this from!" I suddenly stopped, knowing where she could have gotten this from..."Shannon Woodward."

He looked just as shocked as I was, "You can't be serious." He said, "No, Alana wasn't with anyone else besides my sister that week, and I know that Angela would never say that to Alana, I trust her because she's my sister. But why would Shannon say that?" My head started spinning and I was getting dizzier by the second.

"Maybe because she just wants some time with Alana, she did always like her." He suggested, "So what, why didn't she think of the consequences that would happen to me, doesn't she care about her best friend's feelings? If she really wants a child, she should get married and get one herself instead of ruining other people's happiness! Doesn't she know that I just recovered from a divorce, and she's trying to add more pressure to me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"That's it." I stormed past John and down the stairs to find Alana laughing at the television. "Alana, get your butt over here this instant!" I said with threats in my voice, she turned around and immediately ran over to John and hid behind his back.

"Alana, go to mommy now." He said pushing her towards me, but she started crying. I had just about enough of this nonsense, "Do you know how much you hurt my feelings Alana the past few days? Just because I left you for a week doesn't mean I hate you! I canceled so many tours just because I wanted to stay home with you, I could have just hired a nanny, but I didn't. You'd rather spend time with Shannon than your own mother who dived in front of a moving car to save your life, would Shannon do that?"

I wasn't exactly yelling, then again I wasn't exactly talking normally either, had a mixture of both. I was like a water work now, tears were running down my cheeks and this time, my voice was a lot softer, I didn't want anything but to just hold my baby right now, I did truly miss her.

"Alana sweetie, come here, let mommy hug you." I bent down and extended my hand to her, she stopped crying for one thing, thank God! She was still clinging onto John's legs, not moving towards me. "Alana..." My voice was hoarse now as I looked up towards John, who had a worried expression on his face.

"Baby come here, let mommy give you a hug okay, just one." I breathed on the edge of breaking down, I could tell that John was trying to get her over here, but it wasn't working at all. "Daddy I'm tired." She whined looking up at John, "Give mommy a hug first Alana." He said gently.

"But I don't want to, I want Shannon..." My eyes widened and so did John's. "Why do you want Shannon?" I asked standing back up, "Because she makes me smile and makes me yummy food all the time." Now she had a smile on her face are you freaking kidding me? She wants Shannon because it's her that makes her smile, not me...

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