Chapter 16: Laughter and pain

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Katy's P.O.V.

I woke up to find a sweet aroma of pancakes, at least that's what it smelled like. I was sleeping on a bed, my bed...I gasped. This was the house Russell and I lived in when we were married, and this was the exact same bed.

I traced my hands through the silky blanket as he entered with a tray of food, I looked down the blanket, thank God I'm still dressed! Now I don't hate him as much for kidnapping me, but still...

"Well, sure took you long enough to wake up. I remember that you were not the morning person were you, you still aren't now." He threw an apple at me, but I dodged just in time for it to hit the wall behind me. I was getting pissed off by his mysterious behavior, "Why don't you just tell me what you want from me, why would you come after me all of a sudden?"

"I miss you." I choked on my own saliva, "You...miss me? You were the one that ended our marriage you do know that right, you were the one that made me cry for 2 weeks straight not getting out of bed! And now you miss me, too late Russell, I'm over you now." Wrong choice of words, who cares, he can't exactly kill me.

"True that, but you've given John so many, so many. Why can't I have just one more?" This made a lump form in my throat, he's right, I never gave him any chances. "Because I was young then, I acted before I thought, it's all in the past now Russell." I said in a more gentle voice.

"Well we can change the past, I promise that I have changed." I laughed throwing him back in surprise, "You changed, look at me, you KIDNAPPED me! How am I supposed to believe someone who took me away from my happiness?" I yelled.

"You aren't happy, don't deny it. You and John got divorced." I cut him off, "We got back together, he is the one Russell, you can't change my mind! We may have our ups and downs like every single couple in this world, but he will always be my husband, and I will always be his wife, and we will always love each other. I never felt this way with you when we were together, you never made me truly happy for one day in my life. I honestly don't know how I married you in the first place." I added, this completely set him off, uh oh...

"You know what, I tried to be nice to you, but you obviously didn't want it, you're not going to see them for the rest of your life Katy Perry, because you're living with me whether you like it or not." I wanted to throw my fist in his face, "Ugh, I'm not 5, I can make my own decisions!"

"You're a baby in everyone's eyes, cause you are immature and you don't grow up like ever, deal with it. No wonder your daughter doesn't want you." My mouth dropped open, "Don't you dare bring up my daughter, she has nothing to do with you!"

His next actions surprised me, I never saw it coming. He yanked the covers off of me and threw me over his shoulder and stormed downstairs, "Let me down!" I yelled kicking and flailing my arms, what the heck is he up to!?

We arrived in the kitchen and he threw me onto the island counter and pinned my arms down, oh God no! "You will listen to me from now on or you won't be living a very happy life, are we clear?" Okay, now I'm getting threatened? Life sucks right now, it literally does.

"You can't threaten me like this, John will come for me sooner or later!" I yelled, but he only smiled. "Oh trust me, he's not going to come and sooner or later, I left him a little piece of my mind." He chuckled making me really worried, "What did you do to him!?" I yelled.

"Really, you need to worry about your own life right now, cause it's a lot more in danger than his, get off of the counter, you're a little filthy don't you think?" I sighed getting off, the house is a lot filthier than I last saw it.

"You can't keep me here too much longer, honestly Russell the police are gonna find you sooner or later." I screamed when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and threw me onto the couch, my hand immediately went up to my stomach, in fear of the baby. I hope its okay...

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