Chapter 42: Troubling News

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Katy's P.O.V.

Alana should be in her seventh period class right now, I still can't believe I got a call from her school on the first day of school! She's in big trouble once she gets back home.

I've been feeling a lot better, I can actually get up and do things that normal people would do, I just can't overdo myself again. I walked downstairs and found John sitting on the couch reading a magazine, so I walked over to him.

"Hey honey, whatcha doing?" He laughed and handed me the magazine, what could be so hilarious? I take that back, this is terrible! "John, Alana is in the headlines oh my goodness." I threw the magazine back onto him and dialed her number, I could care less if I was interrupting her class, I need to make sure she was okay:

A: Mom, why are you calling me in the middle of class? I had to leave the classroom needing to use the bathroom to answer this call, thank goodness the teacher isn't smart enough.

K: Sorry babes, I just saw that you were getting shoved into the lockers by students that were apparently fans of you. You made headlines.

A: I made headlines, that can't be good.

K: I also saw Ariel Winter and Cameron Boyce, how are you with them?

A: I like Ariel, she's really smart and we're getting along. And Cameron, I just had the longest chat with him ever during lunch. It's weird because he's been so protective around me, he's always here when I need someone to rescue me, and it's been bugging me.

K: So what did he say?

A: He said that he couldn't watch me getting hurt, he has a crush on me!

K: Well that's no shock, I mean, who wouldn't like you? But Alana, remember what I told you, no dating until your career and school life are fully balanced okay?

A: Mom, you know I wouldn't ever do that. And plus, we can just be normal friends. But I don't think we will reach that stage for a long time, anyways, I gotta go before the teacher gets suspicious, bye.

K: Okay bye, love you.

"So a guy likes Alana and she likes him back?" John asked from the living room, "No silly, Alana is getting annoyed since he's always protecting her from crazy, wild students that are trying to get her autograph, I feel so bad for her."

I sat down next to John and he wrapped his arms around my waist, "Who wouldn't want her attention, oh and by the way, Tamra called." I jumped, her calling me when I just finished a big tour is never a good thing.

"What, when did she call?" I dialed Tamra's number again, getting tired of dialing numbers. "When you were on the phone, she called my phone and said that there was some sort of emergency."

"Oh shit John, shit."

T: Katy, you need to get to the studio right now, I'll see her here soon.

K: What, wait...

Rude! "John I gotta run to the studio real fast, don't forget about the kids! And speaking of the kids, you should probably go pick them up now." He shot up from the couch, "I'm gonna be late!" He yelled running out of the house, men...

"Love you honey!" I heard him shout before shutting the door, the house never gets boring. I grabbed my keys and was just about to leave the house when the doorbell rang, who could it be at this time?

"Tamra, I thought you were at the studio?" I asked, she shoved me aside and walked into the house, with a very stern look on her face. "I swear I haven't done anything lately." I said putting my hands up into the air.

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