Chapter 26: Cooper Jonathan Mayer

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Alana's P.O.V.

I haven't seen mom or dad for the past 6 months and I really do miss them, and today is the day that the baby is coming, I'm really not looking forward to it honestly. 

Auntie Angela is taking Stella and I to the hospital today and I don't even know how to act around mom anymore, these past 6 months have really been boring.  And it turns out that I'm having a baby brother, heck no!

"Alana, come downstairs, we're leaving right now!" Auntie yelled from downstairs, "Coming!" I quickly pulled my hair up into a ponytail and threw on a sparkling blue dress with matching blue flats, I needed to impress mom and dad, after 6 months.

I ran down the stairs and Auntie was already waiting for me, "Honey you look gorgeous, are you excited?" She had to ask that, "No I'm not, I don't want a baby brother!" I snapped before getting into the car, Stella was already buckled up and ready to go.

"Oh you're going to love him, I already do and he's probably not even here yet!  Hey, when you see your mom and dad, behave yourself okay?  Because the last thing that they need right is to deal with another tantrum of yours, got it?" She warned, I simply nodded my head and we were headed off towards the hospital.

Katy's P.O.V.

"AHHHHHHH, THIS HURTS SO MUCH!" I screamed as the baby started pushing its way out, John was sitting right besides me holding my hand and constantly telling me I'm almost there, but I'm starting to have my own doubts now.

"Come on honey, the head is already out!  It's going to be easier for you to push now." If there's one thing that's going through my head right now, it's giving birth to a boy is not fun that at all!  It's so painful, more painful than Alana!  My body started to go weak and I think everyone noticed, John first.  "Come on Katy, you can do this, he's almost out, have faith in yourself." He said.

"My faith is shaking..." This reminded me so much of The Climb by Miley Cyrus, but I'm going to have to get this baby out of me sooner or later, so why not sooner?  "How many more pushes do I have to do?" I asked John, "Just one more big one honey, I promise, just one more okay?"

I nodded and did one big push, I started screaming, felt like my insides were being ripped open, which they were.  The pain suddenly stopped and it was replaced by a crying sound, I took deep breaths as the doctors were cleaning him up.

"I'm so proud of you honey, you brought out little bundle of joy to the world!" John said kissing my lips, I would have deepened the kiss, but I honestly didn't have the energy.  John gently put the baby in my arms and I couldn't help but shed a tear, "He's so beautiful, and he looks so much like you John." I said admiring his curly brown hair and brown eyes, "He's a mini version of you sweetheart."

"What should we name him?" I thought for a second before replying, "Cooper Jonathan Mayer." John smiled bigger than ever as I kissed Cooper, I loved him so much!  "I love that name, it fits him perfectly." Just then, Alana, Stella and Angela walked into the room.

Alana has grown taller and she looked different with her blonde hair, even though that's her natural hair.  I've asked her once if she wanted to dye it black, but she refused.  "Hey sweetie, do you wanna come meet your baby brother?" I asked smiling, Alana looked at Angela for a second before walking over to me.

I patted the spot next to me on the bed and she climbed on, "Do you want to hold Cooper?" I asked, she nodded and I handed him to her.  I wrapped my arms around her to help her support the baby, "His name is Cooper?" I nodded and kissed her forehead, gosh I missed her so much!

"Honey did you miss me and daddy when you were at Auntie Angela's house?" I asked, she nodded and handed Cooper back to me.  "John, can you take him please?" He walked forward and took Cooper from me and I hugged Alana and started crying, so did she.

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