Chapter 28: Uh oh...

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John's P.O.V.

Guess what I've been doing all day long, sitting on a bench inside of the mall and playing on my phone! I've tried calling Katy like 7 times but she wouldn't answer, it just goes straight to her voicemail.

I'm in the restaurant right now and it's 6:00, Katy's late by one hour. Just when I was about to go look for her, she came walking over alone. "John I'm so sorry I'm late, just the makeover took longer than we thought it would." I chuckled slightly even though I was a bit annoyed.

"You don't need makeovers, you look gorgeous honey. So, besides your face, what else did you get today?" She laughed slightly and the waitress came and got our orders, "Well, I did get a ton of dresses and clothes of course. Oh my goodness I forgot to get Alana and Cooper something!"

"It's fine, Alana has millions of dollars herself and she's probably having a ton of fun anyways with Tony hawk right now, but then again, she's not the falling in love kind of girl." I said sipping on my coffee, "Alana called and asked what we were doing and I kind of lied to her because I didn't want her to know that I was hanging out with teenage girls other than her."

"Katy, there's this thing called news...and the paparazzi got a lot of photos of you." I said sitting straighter, "But she's busy right now, she won't have time to search us up and she has an interview tomorrow and by the end of tomorrow, she would forget about it."

"Good point, you always have good points Katy." She chuckled as she bit into her bread, "I'm so coming back to London, the food here is so amazing and the people are even better! I have to say, I haven't had this much fun since...since I don't know, ever! It's like I was hanging out with my own daughter, but we're both so busy we don't ever get to do this mother daughter stuff anymore."

"Hey hey hey, don't feel bad, she's always going to be your daughter and she'll always love you no matter what. She understands how busy you are, I know she might be a little sad but this is your job, you can't just give it up right? Just like how she can't give up her acting, it all works out in the end."

"Yeah but I honestly thought that when I was 30, that my singing career was almost over. But after having Cooper, new song ideas came swarming into my head and I just had to go on more tours, I love tours and getting to see places all over the world, I mean, who doesn't?"

I nodded my head, "Just two more weeks and we'll be home, home sweet home." She chuckled as we got up, that was one fast dinner, I guess she was just really hungry from all the shopping earlier. "Okay, let's go back to the hotel now." I said grabbing her hand, but she wouldn't move.

"Actually honey, I promised the girls that I would shop with them more, I love shopping with them it's so fun! Just a few more hours I promise okay?" I sighed, if Alana finds out about this she will be heartbroken. "Alright, just call me when you're done and check your phone once in a while got it, you have 7 missed calls by the way..."

"I knew you'd understand, okay love you, bye!" She planted a kiss on my lips and was gone within a blink of an eye, I sighed and continued to play on my phone...what a wonderful day off.

Alana's P.O.V.

"She's going shopping with them AGAIN?!" I exclaimed as I opened up the news again, I'm just so bored right now. The caption this time was pretty interesting:

"It looks like Katy Perry is going shopping with these teenagers again after just finishing a meal with John, it turns out that he was sitting in the waiting area playing on his phone all day!"

"What would Alana think about all of this, does she know yet? Let's wish her the best of luck because it seems like her mother is falling for some other teenage girls! Watch out Katycats!"

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