Chapter 20: Tests

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Katy's P.O.V.

I am sitting in the middle of an empty field, nothing but grown out wheat, the sun was blazing hot and I tried to block it out. "Hello, is anyone there, where am I?" I called out.

Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere and was headed towards me. Once he got closer, I realized that it was Russell. "What did you do to me?!" I screamed standing up, he just had a smile on his face.

"Can't you see? You're about to die Katy, this is what happens when you get close to John, he vowed that he would protect you, but did he? He only ended up hurting you even worse." He moved closer to me, but I backed up.

"No, I love John and I don't care if he didn't protect me. He still loves me way more than you did, and I love him!" I yelled, "Look at yourself Katy, you're in the hospital having a 5% chance of living because of him."

"Why are you haunting me, where am I? Can you at the very least answer those questions for me?" I was getting annoyed with his games, I never was happy. "You will be going through a series of tests, and if you pass them, the poison in your bloodstream will fade on its own and you will wake up back into the world, if you don't pass them all, well, you know what's going to happen."

"Then how on earth are you in my...tests?" I looked down at myself and realized that I was dressed in a water dress, it was made of pure water. It flowed all the way down to my feet and it was strapless, obviously. I had a feeling he would explain this to me.

"The first test is very simple being the first of five, you're in a deserted and barren field and you're in a water dress. Simple, use your water powers to revive all the plants in this area." I cocked my head, are you serious, apparently now I have something called water powers?

"Wait what, Russell!" I screamed, but then in a flash of a second, he was gone. A fire started in the middle of the fields and it grew larger by the second, "Okay, now we're going into Hunger Game style aren't we, they want hunger games, they'll get it."

I had no idea what to do, but I had to try something to end this ridiculous test. I rose my hand and water followed it, the water was coming directly from my dress, awkward...I then lifted both hands and threw water towards the fire, but I didn't get what I had expected.

As soon as the water touched the fire, it only grew larger and I was thrown into nearby trees. I opened my eyes and I wasn't in any pain, that's when I realized that the water had completely made a bubble around me, sweet! Suddenly, a plan had started forming in my mind, it actually wasn't that complicated!

All I had to do end the fire, and once the fire died down, I could simply just water the plants. I wrapped a layer of water around my body and lifted myself up into the sky and flew over to the fire tornado. "Okay, so there's a remote thingy down there, hopefully the water will make it."

I took a deep breath before diving into the fire, "Ahh!!" The moment I entered the fire, I was being thrown around everywhere due to the momentum of the tornado, let's just say thank goodness I don't have much stuff in my stomach or it would have came right out.

I can see a red light beeping deep down, "Great, the tornado is pushing me out! That must be it, that button must be the end of the tornado, just gotta press it..." I grit my teeth as I made my water bubble into an engine like machine that would charge me all the way down.

After minutes of avoiding fireballs being launched at me, I finally pressed the button and the tornado died, the blood drained from my face as I was literally thrown out of the tornado and being flung into the air, "OH MY GOODNESS THIS ISN'T FUN!" I yelled as the water automatically wrapped around me as I crashed into the trees, it still hurt pretty badly.

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