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He was dreaming. I could tell.

I didn't have to turn back to rely on that reluctant thought—just the way he was breathing against the nape of my neck was enough. He was in deep, given by the heavy, but slow breathing of his rising chest, and the way the probing sun did little to wake him from his slumber.

Face half squished into the pillow, arms wrapped around me and a leg draped over my side—it was no wonder he came to my aid in the middle of the night. Those restless weeks had finally caught up, and as resilient as Domenico may seem to be he was quick to fall into the cushions like a body on a battle field.

Though the aching morning wood against my ass was anything but peaceful.

Sleeping naked wasn't something we were new to. It was much more peaceful to sleep in a bed without the restriction of clothes irritating my skin during the middle of the night. There was only one downside to this, however, and what was throbbing against my backside was a major example of that. I tried to writhe the discomfort out of me, but being drowned in sin and remnants of cologne made the task difficult.

Good thing. I woke up horny again.

It had been two weeks after all. While I was still kinda mad at him during that period, the brutal betrayal of my libido pulled me through fire and wrath. I had to resort to the handle of a hairbrush for weeks.

I hissed out in a low, frustrated voice, grinding back against the sleeping man. "Wake up," a whine left me, "you dog-"

"If you wanted to fuck," he growled low behind me, his voice hoarse from sleep, "you could've just said so."

The butterflies in my stomach went crazy.

My hand fled to his cheek as he strained his neck, tilting it up from the pillow. The arm pressed against the dip of my neck slid down to my waist and palmed my stomach, pushing me back. "Shut up and help me," I groaned.

In almost an instance I flinched as Domenico rolled me over onto my stomach and pushed me back, forcing me to sit up. It didn't take a genius to realise that the second he grabbed my hips, my fate was sealed the moment his tongue came out to lick his lips wet.

"There we go," he shushed, situating me above his face just as a gasp left me. My hand fled to the sturdy girth of the headboard just as both of his fled to the supple meat of my ass.

Domenico has eaten me out before, plenty of times. The only difference between right now and back then was the fact that I'm hovering my tender pussy above his lips, with my thighs on either side of his head. He locked me in, gripping my cheeks with a force that should've gotten me wincing, though instead only brought out a series of heavy breaths from me.

"Sit," he growled between my legs, "Stop trying to hold your weight."

He's asking me to suffocate him.

I let out a breathless moan, tangling my fingers into his dark, messy hair. In all fairness, I wasn't scared of suffocating him. I was terrified of the fact that he'll get a thrill out of the sick action. Domenico high on sex was both a deliciously arousing but god-awfully dangerous sight.

The man scowled, "Kiara..."

I hummed teasingly, lightly brushing my lower lips against the ones growing more impatient and frustrated with every ticking second. My head tilted to the side, grasping a glimpse of the moody man beneath me. "You look too cute to settle on right now."

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